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  1. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    Well at a ppm of 11 its not leaving that much, but perhaps a few things.. I understand the schools of thought and what you take away only to add back in when you strip your water like that, and I water my garden with half tap and RO thats sat for 24 hrs and it works pretty well so I am sure it...
  2. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    Thanks again, you have a valid point, I think I just needed to hear that.. its going to be easier to troubleshoot by taking it away then adding more in. Yea I will be testing all my soil in the future. I think I got lucky up until now. I read its best with these soils to amend to about a 6.8...
  3. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    Then just RO for a few waterings?
  4. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    Only because I try to grow more organic and don't want ANY chlorine & because my starting point for this water is so high in PPM and PH I choose more stable water. I don't want to add tons of PH down and even if I cut it with RO whats the point.. would rather just add what I need exactly to the...
  5. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    Right, but even when I test the soil out of the bag still getting a 6.0 PH. From what I understand this soil does not have much lime in it and its common people adding dolomite lime to HF & OF soils? although I never have and kind of just used cal mag+ starting to think I should be amending it...
  6. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    The soil seems to be testing at 6.0 with a rapitest kit & also when I soak some soil in water and test the PH with my meter that way.. I was not until recently testing my water PH but started after this issue never had problems before.. strange, anyways I noticed the 5ml of cal mag was dropping...
  7. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    I actually just misted two with a tsp of epsom.. and I was misting most of them last week.. seemed to help a little but nothing major. I actually gave them a foliar with just water the other day to kind of clean everything off.. they looked less happy after. So perhaps they were liking the extra...
  8. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    I hear you and the thought passed my mind but the tap here in this part of LA is the worst 650 ppm & 9ish ph.. makes me miss my old water back east.
  9. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    Yes, I agree absolutely in the begining pretty much needs nothing at least for a few weeks. I have been cutting back just seems more then the normal tip burn.. but perhaps its causing a lock-out too? I have noticed the gen organics cal mag drops the water ph like crazy at 5ml
  10. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    My thought is maybe?? just because I take it out with my RO and my starting ppm is like 11. Yes the soil has some in it but I have heard, or shall I say read its not enough. I have had issues with mag before but most was much later in veg or mid flower (same soil) I imagine when it got depleted...
  11. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    Why do you say skip the cal mag? MH lamp 250w some days I put it up to 400w its about 18" away. Thanks.
  12. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    My other thoughts are... because I use RO water, I do add the cal mag back but perhaps this is not enough? PPM is around 200 after 5ml. Also should I just lime my soil to get the extra cal mag that way? and if so would I still need to add cal mag back to the RO water? Also if my soil is truly...
  13. G

    Need Help With Plants Please!!

    I am having some crazy issues with these plants, growing a few different strains but they all seem to display some issues like pictured. brown spots on leaf edges, light yellowing, leaf canoeing & heat stress. Growing in soil happy frog with extra perlite. I use RO water with 5ml of gen organics...