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  1. obi132

    wind and rain

    does anyone know if and when i should stop feeding my plants?
  2. obi132

    wind and rain

    sound advice guys lucky there ok at the minuet im checking them twice aday shaking and scanning over for rot 2-3 weeks cant come quick enuff. peace
  3. obi132

    wind and rain

    hows things gettin on guys its been miserible weather for growing!! im still hanging in there got a few days of good weather to come next week and il have to see from there good luck all and Peace!
  4. obi132

    Late season Outdoor Guerilla Grow - in the UK massive!

    ohh stoogy unlucky with the bud rot im sad to hear that.... fingers crossed i can keep mine on for a lil longer mines a bit immature at the minuet... got a good sunny day on the east coast tommorow so im feeling.. well lets just say optomistic haha lookin forward to seeing your pix. Peace
  5. obi132

    How Long Uk Outdoor Grow

    sorry to say it ads but i think you might be waiting up to 6 weeks at least for that to come right ma man, keep us updated. Peace
  6. obi132

    wind and rain

    well good luck all fingers crosses we get a harvest iv got 3-4 weeks i think so its gonna be tight
  7. obi132

    wind and rain

    hay Stoogy im in the same boat man, my plants seem to be coping well at the moment but im gonna follow this thread for advice, and at least there getting a good flush haha. Peace
  8. obi132

    Late season Outdoor Guerilla Grow - in the UK massive!

    hay ads i cant open your files to see but they want some good sun from what i can see and just hope we dont get a freeze any time soon. peace man
  9. obi132

    Late season Outdoor Guerilla Grow - in the UK massive!

    hay stoogy, yeah winters coming im hopeing for around 5 more weeks if we can get it, cool advice.... iv got a few pistils turning as you can see in 1 or 2 of the pix so fingers crossed!! yeah it seems to have turned out ok.... i got the seed from a dodgey batch of smoke planted up 8 seeds 7...
  10. obi132

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    hay im in england the weathers begining to turn, mabey have 3-4 weeks of growing weather left this is my 1st ever attempt at growning :leaf: All pix's are same plant i did have 4 but had to ditch 3 and run with this one :-P Could you please estimate a crop date for me the pictures are from...
  11. obi132

    Late season Outdoor Guerilla Grow - in the UK massive!

    im in the uk too fella my plants around about the same stage as yours iv got a thread up in this section.... id try stretch as long as possible the longer we can go the better the finished product.... i hope :leaf: Althought any tips/advice on when to crop(the apperance of the bud) would be...
  12. obi132

    First Grow Uk 2/3 weeks flowering opinions please..............

    these pics are from week 2/3 flowering opinions apriciated
  13. obi132

    First Grow Uk 2/3 weeks flowering opinions please..............

    this is my first ever grow outdoor uk any opinions would love to be heard and also i could do with some help on decideing when to crop, what to look out for when the times right ect Cheers Obi132
  14. obi132

    Uk grow 1st timer

    can anyone tell, me what to look out for b4 i crop i know i have a few weeks left yet but dont know when to make the call !!!!!
  15. obi132

    Uk grow 1st timer

    i got some more detailed pictures a few mins ago thought id share and still any tips on when to crop ect would be greatfully appriciated cheers obi132
  16. obi132

    Uk grow 1st timer

    all the pix are recant showing week 2/3 of flowering
  17. obi132

    Uk grow 1st timer

    hay this is my 1st ever grow out door in the uk i did start with 4 plants but due to unforseen circumstances i had to ditch 3 and just run with this one it's not idealy placed but is flowering and am hopeful of a half decent crop for a 1st timer any tips or advice is welcome cheers...
  18. obi132

    Hello everyone!

    hay there im new to the site and new to growing outdoors (UK) just after a little help and guidance and maybe answer a few questions for me ?? any help will be much appreciated :peace: