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    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Here are my Ice ladies (from Nirvana), started their 5th week flower today. I'd say they're doing pretty good for floros and leds.
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    Nirvana Ice and Rasperry Cough Grow

    Here's an update of the ladies! The first 6 pictures are the ICE, the last 2 are Raspberry Cough
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    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    here are a few shots of my girls, less than 30 days flower! Here is the link to my journal:
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    Nirvana Ice and Rasperry Cough Grow

    So its been a few days since I updated this Journal, but here are a few more pictures of the grow op. The ladies started their 4th week flowering today!
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    Nirvana Ice and Rasperry Cough Grow

    Today marks 2 weeks into flowering. I took a few close-ups of the girls.
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    Nirvana Ice and Rasperry Cough Grow

    they have grown alot overnight
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    Nirvana Ice and Rasperry Cough Grow

    So the ladies are 10 days into flowering, I pulled them all out of the closet today to get some decent pictures. So now you guys can really see them, if you want to that is. :mrgreen: I hope they continue to grow as quickly as this. Just a little side note, yesterday I decided to add a...
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    Nirvana Ice and Rasperry Cough Grow

    I believe the flowering period is 9 to 11 weeks, which is the same as the Ice. Yeah i hope my dinky little floros can keep the plants looking good! haha we shall see how it turns out! Also in my 5th picture on that 2nd post, you can see 3 of the raspberry cough colas forming straight down the...
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    Nirvana Ice and Rasperry Cough Grow

    So here are a few bud shots from this morning. They are 9 days in.
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    Nirvana Ice and Rasperry Cough Grow

    Here is my little closet grow. I have 3 Ice plants and 1 Rasperry Cough plant from Nirvana Shop. The larger 2 were vegged for about 13 weeks, and the smaller ones about 7 weeks. They all were switched to 12/12 9 days ago. These pictures are from earlier this week and the flowers are from 2...
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    How much dry bud should these produce?

    im not sure, it doesnt say on the unit and i cant find it online... but i am using the bloomboss in conjunction with all my other floros. one cfl 150 watt equiv. and then 4 24" grow bulbs, (3 blue, 1 red spectrum). then 4 4' floros, 2 cool white, 2 grow bulbs (red spectrum)
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    How much dry bud should these produce?

    Their heights as of right now.... 1 - 14" 2 - 20.5" 3 - 25" 4 - 31" I just put them to flower 8 days ago exactly. Also the strain is ICE from Nirvana Shop. (except for no.2, that is Raspberry Cough from Nirvana as well)
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    How much dry bud should these produce?

    Hello, im fairly new to posting here but I've been reading for months. I am curious as to how much bud these stinky ladies could produce. I understand its all rough estimates but I'm hoping it will be a decent amount. I vegged the 2 larger ones for over 13 weeks, the 2 smaller ones vegged for...
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    Wilting Leaves - Not from over watering...

    how would i protect against root rot? this is my first grow so I want to make sure it doesnt fail
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    Wilting Leaves - Not from over watering...

    Well thats a relief. They just looked much more wilty to me than normal, so I thought I would check with you guys to make sure. Thank you again for the help.
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    Wilting Leaves - Not from over watering...

    I found some old pictures on my phone, they are of the ladies on Christmas eve. They have bushed out alot since then.
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    Wilting Leaves - Not from over watering...

    here are the pics. The one on the left is Rhonda, and on the right is Denise (I enjoy the names haha, Ill refer to them by their names for now on, I like to think it makes them feel special;-)). But I got a picture of one of the yellowing leaves on Denise. PS - Once I got here and noticed the...
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    Wilting Leaves - Not from over watering...

    I'm downloading the pics to my computer now, but i dont believe they were too close to the lights, theyre a few inches away and they dont get too hot at all. Also, yes I do have 2 fans on them, its not oscillating but they definitely circulate (one up top pulling air out, and one on the bottom...
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    Wilting Leaves - Not from over watering...

    Hello, Ive scoured these forums for an answer but I cant seem to find anything, although I only have an hour so I probably could have looked harder but I'm somewhat impatient :lol:. I was on vacation for 3 days, but I was held up an extra 2 days because I needed to visit my parents. But...