How much dry bud should these produce?


Active Member
Hello, im fairly new to posting here but I've been reading for months. I am curious as to how much bud these stinky ladies could produce. I understand its all rough estimates but I'm hoping it will be a decent amount. I vegged the 2 larger ones for over 13 weeks, the 2 smaller ones vegged for about 7-8 weeks (all this is off of the top of my head, so safely assume +-2 weeks) It was an all floro grow up until today when i got my new Bloom Boss LED light. Let me know if you need any more information, ill gladly post more, and im sure im leaving some out...



Active Member
Their heights as of right now....
1 - 14"
2 - 20.5"
3 - 25"
4 - 31"

I just put them to flower 8 days ago exactly.

Also the strain is ICE from Nirvana Shop. (except for no.2, that is Raspberry Cough from Nirvana as well)


Active Member
Ive never flowered with LED's. What is the lumens rating on it? You should be able to get a few ounces
im not sure, it doesnt say on the unit and i cant find it online... but i am using the bloomboss in conjunction with all my other floros. one cfl 150 watt equiv. and then 4 24" grow bulbs, (3 blue, 1 red spectrum). then 4 4' floros, 2 cool white, 2 grow bulbs (red spectrum)