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  1. J

    taco leafs

    Thanks ill try epsom salt and see what happens. Thanks I appreciate your reply
  2. J

    taco leafs

    Also all the new leaves r curling downwards
  3. J

    taco leafs

    The weather here for the past 3 weeks have been mid 70s im growing outdoors. And this problem startet 1 week ago. So mid 70s is to hot for my plant?
  4. J

    taco leafs

    Im having a problem with one of my plants. The leafs a curlin like a taco and the top of plant is sideways. Any help is welcome. Here r some pics
  5. J

    why are my leaves curling like tacos

    I think I have the same problem but im not sure. If any one can help with my sick plant I will appreciated here r some pics