why are my leaves curling like tacos


Holly God Shit Man-oh my-my-my no, no, no, no-NO-->That looks horrible and thank you so 'very' much for sharing; I feel waaaaaay better now!
They're way better after simply flooding them yesterday. I read in Jorge Cervantes grow boble that; wind can dry 'em out annnnnnnnnnnnnnd since I'm using Smart Pots; I'm hoping that, simply giving them 'more' water will do the trick. I say that 'cause; where I live; it's beautiful and sunny allll day long; temps between 75-85 'everyday' but; I also have NON-stop wind. Lots o' Sun, Lot's 'o wind.
As they do look a lil' less "taco'ish" today; I'll just keep my lil' ladies "afloat", (so to speak), and hope Mr. Cervantes took care of this one for me.

Nevertheless; I cannot thank you enough for chiming in my friend-->Please Be Well...

-Unbreakable 'J'


Well-Known Member
Pics would really help, but yes..... 'Tacoing' is frequently caused by excessive heat, but with no strain info or pics, it's hard to say.
Myself, I have 4 Indica/Sativa mix, about 50/50, and a couple that are heavy on the Indica side in my closet I use with CFL's for Winter, and during lights off during the day, it can get as high as 90 in there during the day, and I have no tacoing, but I do have some foxtailing which I attribute to the heat.


Well-Known Member
Dude I live in Colorado, on the plains actually where winds are fierce. I never got heat damage outside, theres enough co2 in the air to keep them from stressing


10-4-->I'll try to get sum pics uploaded as soon as I can get my buddy and his fancy phone over to my place. As far as strain well, I got them from a man who was teaching a, "How to grow your own medicine" class and he told me the strain is "XXX"; which is a hybrid cross of Neville's Haze and 911. I can't find any mention of this strain 'anywhere' but; according to my Professor; they're Indica dom...


Well-Known Member
yeah when you water your plants you flood them and get like 20% runoff or something like that. but you dont flood them again till they dry out a bit whenever it fills dry like an inch or two under the top or they start wilting a little.