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  1. W

    black lights?

    wretched provocation
  2. W

    Extended light or dark?

    in my country mechanical timer costs 2 or 3$ and it can take 2400 W. i think u can buy it in usa but it can be a litlle more expensive :D
  3. W

    what is soonest i can put into flowering?

    u can put them into flowering at once. from the begining. the best - over one week old.
  4. W

    needed help on topping

    i hope you're wrong ;) lolasplants: when you are going into flowering in a couple days (you have SOG i suppose) topping is useless.
  5. W

    needed help on topping

    yes, i know i should top during veg, and i did. but i had small accident. the hot glass hanged below hps fell down on my plant and few buds got burnt so i had to cut them off. will it injure her? break(stop) flowering or something? EDIT they won't become weaker for sure.
  6. W

    needed help on topping

    tell me if i can to top my girl while she's bloomin? it's 4 weeks on 12/12. p.s. sorry if i write something wrong, my english is not too good...