needed help on topping


Active Member
tell me if i can to top my girl while she's bloomin? it's 4 weeks on 12/12.
p.s. sorry if i write something wrong, my english is not too good...


Well-Known Member
Your English is fine.

Topping during flowering doesn't make sense to me since you'd be cutting your top bud off.


Active Member
When during veg? Im going into flowering in a couple days.

Is the verdict out on topping or is it decidedly beneficial?


Well-Known Member
I think everyone agrees that topping makes more tops and also makes the plants bushier. The question would be when you top and if you like more smaller buds or fewer larger top buds.


Well-Known Member
when you top and make more colas do they become weaker in THC? then if you just had one main cola


Active Member
yes, i know i should top during veg, and i did. but i had small accident. the hot glass hanged below hps fell down on my plant and few buds got burnt so i had to cut them off. will it injure her? break(stop) flowering or something?

they won't become weaker for sure.


Well-Known Member
i don't know for sure - but my guess would be that the yield will be greatly reduced where the plants were burned but the bud may grow around the damaged area.

again - not sure.


Active Member
i hope you're wrong ;)
lolasplants: when you are going into flowering in a couple days (you have SOG i suppose) topping is useless.