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  1. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    i didnt cut close to them i left prob 2 inches in diamerter from were they sprouted so i didnt cut any roots
  2. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    oh shape wise yea they deff looked like that and what do u mean damage the seed how could i do that?
  3. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    possibly id say prob 3 were dark like that a couple light colored ones i mean they were deff herb seeds if hats what ur getting at
  4. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    it hard to because i didnt fill them to the top id say actuall size l l what i did was from the original put i just took a knife cut around them and while the soil was still compacted i buried the new soil slightly over it and watered it
  5. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    here are some better pictures hopefully u can see
  6. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    ill try and take a better one for u right now
  7. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    i need opinions tho do the singles look like herb? or no
  8. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    i was just throwing hours out there and im gonna run a 18/6 light period thank you for the advice
  9. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    well yea but those are because i didnt try untaggling them iforgot to cause i was high as a kite when i was doing it lol but how can i tell if im growing some cheeba or some fucking outside pos weed lmao
  10. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    thats what im trying to find out to bro idk if im to burnt or what otday but i seen them and wasnt to sure if they were and thats what i was trying to figure out lol
  11. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    this is what there sitting in now with a 10 hour light period set i have them on a timer
  12. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    this is them after the transport how much liight and water u think i should give them a day?
  13. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    When I get outta work ill post the new pics lmao those were the ones my friend fucked up that I'm trying to rescue they were outside in a shity pot lol
  14. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    No its actually really good soil its from a bag its suppost to be more natural but yea I have better pics not up of the transport so but those are deff plants right lol not a bunch of weeds
  15. C

    Added VIDEOS of my GROW. Comments PLEASE!!

    yo how did u make the lights im trying to configure them right now and did u take like an old lamps set up and just use a splitter
  16. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    please am i to high to tell and excited but do i have a lil something growing here??? :mrgreen: and i wanna transport them into seperate cups right now so i can try and revive my lil homies here
  17. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    alright guys im about to put pictures up of the ver very first batch to see if u can see how bad we fucked up and i want to transplant them into seperate pots
  18. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    yea i see that thats what a little bit of the batch my friend fucked up one of them looks like its maybe an inch topsssssss outta the ground 2 leaves on it im gonna snap a pic tomorrow of it show u guys what they look like see if u can maybe distinguish more bud in the pot
  19. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    thats what im hopping for some good germ i didnt get any crazy seeds because its my first grow a couple grows before i start trying some good herb but for now just smoking growing herb
  20. C

    Starting my first grow tomorrow

    hahaha yea same here night owl on this so interesting been reading about if for weeks getting all types of ideas and yea bro ill throw some pics up of some mcgiver type shit ive made went to gf college ceramics class made a crazy bong lol hit that shit a lil earlier and went to go for a bowl...