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  1. tyson53

    Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

    I use a old 2 gallon sprayer..I took the spray nozzle off the what I do is stick the wand deep in the dirt and inject my teas and ferts in that way..I hit around 8 spots in each pot....every thing is delivered right into the root zones....been working great all year....and I agree...
  2. tyson53

    Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

    I add the4 mycos just before I use it,,I am in 100% compost so there is plenty of room for every body I gow in 25 gal dirt pots so the is plenty of roots in there ..its solid...
  3. tyson53

    GanjaGarden On Side of Mountain in Spain ×xXMISSXx× have a lot to stake up then...I had branches snap last year ..I was not up on things and did not stake up....between the bud weight and a rain ...they snapped...had to harvest the snapped ones..there was no chance of them healing back to the main stem year I used...
  4. tyson53

    California's central Valley 110+ degrees today!

    it has to be hard on the plants with temps like that and lack of water in Cali....people I know out in N Cali said water is very scarce...and with the temps its dry as a bone every the wild fires....I feel for you guys...hate them temps also..rather it 75 and dry humidity at night....
  5. tyson53

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    with most of the grains today being much roundup and pesticides and fungicides have we taken in with breads cereals..beef and other food live stock which is fed these grains also....not counting our water supplies...most water filtration plants are over worked since our waters are so...
  6. tyson53

    doublejj's BIG 2014 greenhouse adventure Reloaded......

    Double I get reactions when I just spray pyrethium....I wear a mask but all my exposed face parts begin to tingle...then after i get a runny nose watery eyes....only happens when i fog the green house...need full head you fell better....I wash up right after also....I use...
  7. tyson53

    Humboldt seeds: chemdawg

    I grew the HSO chem last year..was a freebie seed so I planted in a 25 gallon dirt pot...and i was surprised how well it really loaded up on bud sites when went into flower...buds really bulked up all along the grow...she topped out at about 7 feet outside....buds were solid ..rock hard...
  8. tyson53

    Wine,Shine,Rum,Brandy........... What do you guys do with the excess fruits???

    that excess fruit make a good addition to compost pile ...the worms love it...boosts the EWC content of the compost...the sugars also help decompose veggie matter...I would love lots of fruit for compost...the sugars also feed the soil...not counting the minerals added also...throw some shrimp...
  9. tyson53

    Tea Brewing Kit Start-Up: Suggestions On Where to Start

    Lowes sells some mushroom compost in bags...its organic and good in teas...this year I made my own soils..I bought 10 yards of cow/horse manure composted 2 i have my veg compost all from past harvests..grass clipping...leaves...and veggie scraps... when i make a tea...I use the...
  10. tyson53

    Jamaican dream

    I am growing JD this year...its in a green hose and its going 8 ft high now and about 4 wide...its in its second week of flower and i have to say there is a 1000 bud just pack..I am glad to see this report as now I know what to expect ...Bud growth is fast..i see the progress...
  11. tyson53

    Inner Buds Dying?!?? HELP PLEASE!

    I have an Atomizer also... A hudson...and yes when you fog a plant the nozzle flips the leaves for you...then you can dry the plant with the blower on the money spent..and you use less product ..only thing I would of liked was an option to buy a 1 gallon jug..but they dont make...
  12. tyson53

    Inner Buds Dying?!?? HELP PLEASE!

    mites suck...I use two is Mighty wash and the other is has like 3 times the Azadirachtin as others,,,it works,,,its 6 % ..sorta expensive...its 1 tsp per has 22 tsp's in a pack so makes 22 gallons...its about 50.00 for a pack..but you make 22 does...
  13. tyson53

    Northern lights. Who else enjoys it??

    NL is a good strain..been awhile since I popped any....taste is good and buzz is great...i forget what breeder I got them from...been awhile...reason I did not grow it again was they were mold prone outside...bud rot...even in a green house....but a nice strain none the least...also I never did...
  14. tyson53

    Is it time for a change of strains? Help me decide!

    C99 is a great strain to grow...and yes get female seeds strain....just as good as the old Bros Grimm strain....great producer...big vegger..bushy as hell....TASTES GREAT AND SUPER BUZZ...I use it for pain....its a must for me for the last 5 years...I grow it in a green house and its a...
  15. tyson53

    Tea slime help needed

    when i brew tea I use a 5 gallon bucket paint strainer...its a fine mesh bag made of nylon...get at any paint store or lowes or home depot....its a get less water contamination of the stuff you make tea with in the water....its like 2 for great...if there is any stuff...
  16. tyson53

    Attitude Sept Promo - Cali Connection

    I grew Liberty last year outside....grows huge..big vegger..but was last to flower...and was very prone to mold....big producer...but was not all it was said to be as far as THC%...was good dont get me wrong...but my amnesia haze.. C99 ..and Ace of spades was much better.... Liberty indoors...
  17. tyson53

    Gage Green Group Info Thread

    Thanks Mad Hamish...please link them pics please....and thanks for the suggestion...looking them up now on GG site,,,,
  18. tyson53

    Green Cure?

    green cure is not a end all for bud rot....its good for PM....Rot is the devil...GC will help lessen the mold ..will kill spores if you find some rot and cut it out ..spray the area.... Pro tek also helps ward off bud rot...use it twice a week...helps tuffen the cells on leaves so it is hard...
  19. tyson53


    Myself I like to head out on the boat and fish high..or go riding the ATV threw the of all ...I like when me and the GF get stoned and have a wild night or day alone...nothing better than that....loll
  20. tyson53

    Test your harvesting eyes !!!! Are they ready?

    TRUE...But some breeder info is not always correct...I had 10 weekers who finished in 7.5 weeks with ambers over 15%..good thing I checked...I also had 8 weekers that finished 10 weeks...lots of breeders give info on their strain with regards to growing indoors....under real sunlight things can...