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  1. tyson53

    Will these ingredients damage my ladies?

    I use Bronners soap as a sticker for foliar sprays...I use the peppermint one..seems to help deter insects also...never had any issues using it...on other garden sites some use it as a soil drench for some bugs...either the peppermint, lavender or tea is classified as a organic...
  2. tyson53

    Brewing A Different Type Tea

    I am going to try a different type tea. I have not seen any posts regarding doing this.. I had saltwater reef tanks for years and have a ton of organic fish foods containing kelp algae's vitamins and tons of other stuff... I also have lots of packs of frozen foods like mysis shrimp bloodworms...
  3. tyson53

    Tramadol AN 627 Pill.. Will It get me Going?

    tramadol is not a opiate..all it does is block the nerve receptors to block it....I take it for lyme disease to ease joint pain....never got a buzz on them... Al
  4. tyson53

    8 Ft. tall sativa ?

    Nice plants but they look like they were light starved and stretched some....the vegatation is very sparse on the high did you keep your lights... Al
  5. tyson53

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    funny you say its not a fertilizer.....looking at this it is....urea is urine Urea or carbamide is an organic compound with the chemical formula (NH2)2CO. The molecule has two amine (-NH2) groups joined by a carbonyl (C=O) functional group. Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of...
  6. tyson53

    Using Urine As a Fertilizer

    A lot of liquid fertilizers contain Urea so does body lotions for dry skin....Urea is basicly Urine....I piss on my compost pile when working in the greenhouse...there is a lot of nitrogen in piss...thats why when a dog pisses on the lawn it burns...Nitrogen burn....but you notice the grass...
  7. tyson53

    ferti lome fish emulsion

    I use fish emulsion in my greenhouse grow as a soil drench...Neptune Fish and seaweed formula...I use it as a foliar spray also...and the stuff works a foliar spray I use it just before dark sets in at night....I make 1 gallon using 1 tablespoon and use Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap...
  8. tyson53


    With fertilizers a nute with higher first number will be for vegging example 6-1-1 now in the flowering stage a nute with 2-10-10 will be for flowering stage....numbers I posted are not exact but you get the Idea...first higher for vegging....last 2 higher for flower.... Al
  9. tyson53

    Greenhouse Seed Co. White Rhino Fem - Help, please. :)

    a lot of the soils with bark and sticks in it suck the nitrogen from the soils in the decaying process..its like need nitrogen to keep the decaying process feed the microbes eating the veggie matter....same with mulchy soils.... Now if your going to fed the plant I...
  10. tyson53

    Ugliest Pipe Ever

    I like the pipe very original 10 bucks and 6 to ship it....
  11. tyson53

    Proper PH Pen Storage

    I used a PH pen for years when I had salt water tanks and I stored it in distilled water being advised by Hanna to do extends the life of the probe....I never had any problems with the pen doing this..I just checked calibration about every 2 months and it was still right on storing...
  12. tyson53

    Nirvana versus Attitude - My Story - FYI

    I have ordered from Tude 3 times this year..first time I ordered I used the stealth shipping and it took 3 weeks to get 2 times I used the regular shipping and they arrived in 9 days ..the stealth came with a t-shirt and was classified as a package so longer shipping time to process...
  13. tyson53

    Burying crabs? In An Outdoor Grow

    With the left overs...smash up with a hammer and then put in a blender grind them up good....then use for your tea or soil may attract animals ...and the wat5er you boiled them in save if its not been salted for it and use for tea or dump on your compost...some of the...
  14. tyson53

    How are you applying Diatomaceous Earth?

    for DE to be effective it has to be dry....the DE is like glass shards when dried and they punture the bugs body and they then de hydrate...I apply it with a cheese shaker like you see in a pizza place or I use a garden duster if I need just a lite if your using it for ground use...
  15. tyson53

    Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

    I make teas always for ferts....cheaper and works great.... 1 cup of alfalfa pellets 1 cup of wormcastings 4 oz of molasses 3 oz of liquid kelp 2 oz of fish emulsion 1/2 cup of ocean forest for the myco starter brew for 24-48 hour until foamy I water plants with this every 5 days....second...
  16. tyson53

    Help! A lot of ANTS!!

    Boric acid work great like the top poster said...get it at a drug store cheaper...mix with some grape jelly in a small dish....once they eat it they will die off and hopefuly kill the colony also...they do sell ant baits is called Grants bait staitions works well..same idea eat it...
  17. tyson53

    How long would 18 grams last you??

    If good reef..with a 1 hitter and just going for a buzz once in should last 3 buddy smoke joints like cigarettes..4-5 a day..he builds up a immunity to it so it takes just go for a occasional high daily and you will be set....I smoke 3-4 times a I get...
  18. tyson53

    My Sea-weed Smells Like Molasses

    who is the vendor so we know who it is....what product is he selling.... Ty
  19. tyson53

    Liquid Kelp With Calcium

    I was at Tractor Supply and seen this Kelp Calcium fertilizer it is 39.00 for 2 1/2 gallons and is is 5-0-0 and 2% calcium here is some info on it...
  20. tyson53

    Epsom Salts Mix?

    I would not use salt peter..different chemical make up....epsom salt is Magnesium sulfate amd saltpeter is potasium nitrate.... also dont injest the saltpeter or you can forget about getting a stiffy during look for epsom salt at a pharmacy or maybe its called Magnesium sulfate...