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  1. hammered

    Jack the Ripper...In depth Report~

    My god man,,, This is one of the best grow journals Ive ever seen In my entire life.......... Hell yeah! Got some JTR beans coming rite now, "freebies" from the attitude... I cant wait...
  2. hammered


    Im pretty new to the Nashville area and looking for like minded folk to shoot the s##t with.... Anyone here from the boro?:weed:
  3. hammered

    My GreenHouse A.M.S On Day 46 Flowering

    That is some NICE pix of the A.M.S. I have a few pix of some A.M.S. around here somewhere...
  4. hammered

    Question about Lumens and Fluorescents

    Re: To Dew-B Thanks for your input , but I have been doing my own research.. What do ya think this question is about? Also im new to this site and im still checking everything out. If nobody asked any questions on here there wouldnt be much to read about..... Doopty Dooo.
  5. hammered

    Question about Lumens and Fluorescents

    I have a 4ft 6in x 2ft 6in grow space. I have 6 , 4ft t12 , 6500k / 2180 Lumens bulbs hanging above the area. Is this enough Lumens and light for about 3 to 5 plants in an area of this size? ( Note ) This is just to start the grow. I know for flowering I will need 2700k bulbs, but how many...