My GreenHouse A.M.S On Day 46 Flowering


Active Member
My Current Grow 8 Jamaican Skunk, 1 Large Lemon Skunk and 1 Eaz and 1 A.M.S ....

These are just shots of the Jamaican Skunk on Day 32 of flowering ...

Hope you all enjoy them as much as I do !!!

Best Regards EazyGreen ....


Well-Known Member
man, those are some beautiful pics! jammy skunk is one of my favs...any jammy is a fav of mine....some of the best highs around and taste....good luck to the finish line...


Nice lookin plants dude, that eaz looks just like some trainwreck i got growin its got a bunch of tops and looks almost exactly the same. Keep growin good dope.