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  1. S

    Night Crawlers For Fertilizer

    I recently put night crawlers in my 5 gallon bucket with my 3ft female sativa,I was scared to get into the confusing world of fertilizers and screw plant up,plant must of had root problem,it was growing in new leaves that looked white in centers and looked half dead,three days after I added...
  2. S

    need advice

    I have a female plant that has first couple sets of pistils,and is about 3ft tall,I've have it in 5 gallon bucket with organic and potting mix soils mixed,I jus started bringing in at night to keep it on 12/12 schedule,will this plant get much bigger?I'm pretty sure its a sativa,thinner...
  3. S

    Roll it up,smoke it up,inhale exhale

    Roll it up,smoke it up,inhale exhale