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  1. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thank you man, ill definitely take a look at some tomato cages, im sure i have seen them around, im planning on using as much of the 3x3 as i can though, maybe i should use a tomato cage for the church & just let the rest grow naturally ? Peace man the plants are happy !
  2. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Hey guys, i have an updated pic of everything growing, if i may ask would you suggest me trying to scrog these ladies ? Im confused as how to manage all the different sizes, should i possibly scrog ? then just use box's to lift the plants accordingly ? Dont mean to be going off topic but any...
  3. SouthernSoil*

    Different sized plants - when to flower ?

    Hey there everybody, Im busy growing 5 plants in a 3x3 currently with a 250w MH, unfortunately i ended up with 3 seeds that turned mutant due to my stupidity of not ordering proper seeds online besides the one Church seed a friend gifted me with, now i have a problem of bigger & smaller plants...
  4. SouthernSoil*

    Diamonds in the Rough: A Bagseed, Homemade Hybrids and Unknowns Showcase

    Thank you bro, if its a female im going to jump through the roof! By the way it looks like you are growing some really next level genetics there, taking a look through the dons organic garden aswell, i never knew id come across so much brilliant information on organic growing, much respect man!
  5. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Lovely dude gives an awesome look to it aswell, have you tried with other types of mulches before aswell ? Im looking for something to add mulch to a veggie garden outside close to the pool, something that wont blow away easily, if you got any suggestions that would be sweet, on the other hand...
  6. SouthernSoil*

    Diamonds in the Rough: A Bagseed, Homemade Hybrids and Unknowns Showcase

    Hoping for the same situation although my female plant has some pistils sticking out and the bagseed is taller with a tiny ball at each node, could you tell me does indica or sativa show sexual maturity quicker though ? have some other vegging bagseed babies which are looking like they could be...
  7. SouthernSoil*

    Diamonds in the Rough: A Bagseed, Homemade Hybrids and Unknowns Showcase

    Damn what a dope thread this is, makes me have hope for my bagseeds ! Even though my one bagseed that looks so awesome is probably a male by the looks of it.... Unlucky
  8. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I was trying to reply to your message but ran into some connection problems here, both plants i transplanted over the weekend went into 4 gallon containers, i still have another two 4 gallon containers, i was suppose to have 4 plants the same size of the the church & the bag seed i posted on the...
  9. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thank you bro, i have a few syringes i got for free at a grow store so that wont be a problem, i havent flipped to flower just yet still running 16/8 on the 250w mh with the 600w hps on standby.
  10. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Im keen if i can add it in to the current plants i transplanted the only problem was that i wasnt sure i was going to get the right product & the babies were getting root bound, on the other hand i still have another 3 different strains vegging which could get some myco treatment !
  11. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    I was reading a forum article about the benefits of mycorrhizae , i heard about this in a natural farming course but never knew the scientific name, could i maybe make a solution of myco and water and syringe it into my soil ? Could this possibly work ? I want my roots infected! : )
  12. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thats intense ! well explained Don, that is a seriously wicked deal they have going on there, i still have to finish reading teaming with microbes but i will be done with it before the end of this year, i appreciate you telling me the risk though cause im seriously paranoid about using it in a...
  13. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thank you & Respect st0w, it already smells & it smells insane, i love it, just a gentle squeeze on the side branch and i smell it even more, apparently its Swiss Sativa x Northern Lights x SuperSkunk, that smell is seriously nostalgic though, almost like a hint of chron i had back in the day...
  14. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thank you for being such a legend dude, it has been a long journey indeed, really appreciate all the help you've given me & i cannot wait till i get that all purpose tea brewing ! got to love this thread though, all you guys are awesome, i have really learnt alot & i've been slowly helping other...
  15. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Glad i used that 30% EWC : ) Here are the babies that i just transplanted before lights off To the right is the The Church & to the left the majestic bagseed which i think think might be ace of spades but is looking extremely sativa, getting worried its going to consume the whole canopy for...
  16. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thank you P, i need to do alot more reading about this stuff before my next grow, it would be good to get the right stuff from amazon but i would like to first try and compare the local myco's i can get here, ill have to get in contact with the manufacturer but not sure how honest they can be...
  17. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Appreciate the reply, i understand what you mean though, ill definitely try source some of it for my next run along with a few other things as it is my 1st ever indoor run. I read up some other information on myco though and apparently its no use if i already have other native microbes within my...
  18. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Dont wanna be a dick here but its the worst when people suggest using things but cant help you choose the product ... : / Greasemonkey i think im going to leave out the Myco cause its not really nescessary, i think if it made such a difference Mad Ham would use it too. Just getting annoyed with...
  19. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Thank you again bro, these are the products i found Link , not sure which one but it must be, although its either the supergro or green product because the other two are in millilitres. Will appreciate any other advice on the product, much respect :peace::leaf::peace:
  20. SouthernSoil*

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Could i ask what form of mycorrhizae you guys use ? I phoned this one store & they say its brownish greyish granules, will this be cool to pop in the holes ? i would really like to transplant tomorrow these baby's are getting root bound ! Peace :leaf::peace::leaf: