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  1. Discobox

    Mistaken Nutrient-Abundance with Nutrient-Deficiency?

    Ok, I went with c.). Made sure the ph is correct when watering lately. Plants are finally growing fast and they are healthy looking.
  2. Discobox

    First Grow in the Discobox

    Yeah, just came back from a short vacation. Plants are looking good and are growing fast. No deficiencies anymore, so happy!
  3. Discobox

    First Grow in the Discobox

    Yeahuu, I'm so happy. Plants are looking healthy again, no more yellowing leafes (though there are still some old yellowish left on the pictures) and they are finally growing in size! Pretty delayed, but the manual-watering (not using the blumat-watering-system anymore) and making sure the ph is...
  4. Discobox

    Mistaken Nutrient-Abundance with Nutrient-Deficiency?

    Ok, so we're basically back to the question: Is it... a.) Overfeeding -> Nutrient-Lock -> Deficency? b.) Underfeeding -> Deficency? c.) PH way too high -> Nutrient-Lock -> Deficency? Since I'm using BioBizz All Mix Soil and the plants are still quite small I dont think it could be Underfeeding...
  5. Discobox

    First Grow in the Discobox

    Well, I think the plants are finally recovering slowly. The new leafes look quite healthy and they are growing more apart than before (not so bunched together). I started two new plants as well, I expect them to catch up quite quickly since I don't want to repeat my mistakes with them again...
  6. Discobox

    Mistaken Nutrient-Abundance with Nutrient-Deficiency?

    This is exactly what Im experiencing Right Now. Tab Water is truly troubleing me. I have to See if i can keep it on a Constant Level. The mate
  7. Discobox

    Mistaken Nutrient-Abundance with Nutrient-Deficiency?

    thanks mate. I basically ruled underfeeding out by now. ph was too high so it locked out zinc. all the symptoms pretty much fit to the zinc deficiency. ph is under control now. hope for fast recovery.
  8. Discobox

    Mistaken Nutrient-Abundance with Nutrient-Deficiency?

    Ok, I think i figuered it myself. Looks like zinc-deficiency caused by to high ph. Explains the slow growth as well.
  9. Discobox

    Mistaken Nutrient-Abundance with Nutrient-Deficiency?

    Or could it be, that my PH got out of control causing a block which lead to deficiency?
  10. Discobox

    Mistaken Nutrient-Abundance with Nutrient-Deficiency?

    Hi there guys! Having some troubles with growth lately. I feed the plants very early once, and then they apparently got burned. So I was very careful and stopped feeding. No I saw the plant crumbling again, but I can't explain the nutrient-burn this time since I wasn't feeding. Now I read this...
  11. Discobox

    First Grow in the Discobox

    So, 8 Days later... still not happy with growth. They got massively nutrient-burnt again, although I wasn't feeding anything. Maybe the BioBizz All Mix soild combinet with the blumat watering system is overfeeding them, I don't know. Adding to this PH got a little out of control as well. Got rid...
  12. Discobox

    I Give You: The Discobox (Arduino Controlled Diy-System)

    Oh, don't get me wrong: the bulidng-process and the tweaking is great fun. If the system works, it can easily be extended for the next run - if needed.
  13. Discobox

    First Grow in the Discobox

    Still not really happy with rate of growth. This is day 23: Its getting quite bushy, and the amount of nodes is not too bad I think, but its not gaining any height. You can directly compare this picture to the picture from yesterday: The little side-leafs on the newest leaf-pair grew somehow...
  14. Discobox

    I Give You: The Discobox (Arduino Controlled Diy-System)

    There is just the Powersupply and the Arduino, they don't produce too much heat. As you can see the air-circuit is very short, powered by an intake and one outtake-fan. Temps are great! But thanks for you comment.
  15. Discobox

    I Give You: The Discobox (Arduino Controlled Diy-System)

    Hey guys, just started a journal for the very first grow. Would love to have your input: Thx
  16. Discobox

    First Grow in the Discobox

    Hi there guys, this is about a very first grow in a rather ambitious diy-growbox - the Discobox. I hope I picked up the growing-basics by now, so I don't ruin the first grow totally, haha. - Controlled by microcomputer (Arduino) - highly selfregulating - 120W Led-Lights - Selfmade...
  17. Discobox

    I Give You: The Discobox (Arduino Controlled Diy-System)

    thank you, good sir! indeed, the filter is some kind of proof of concept. there is this saying that you should invest in a proper readymade filter to do it right. I claim that this solution will work as good! is is basically the same filter as you can buy, but flat. the fan is a radial fan...
  18. Discobox

    I Give You: The Discobox (Arduino Controlled Diy-System)

    Thanks man. Have to say that this is a first grow. Plants are in day 23 and I already nutrient-burnt them in the beginning. I'm beginner, obviously, haha.