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  1. JdubbfAdeD

    Doctor Recommendation Recieved. Now What?

    solid bro thanks for the advice. so is there any reason I would be denied by the state even if my application is fully completed? I got my recommedation from one of the "less legitamate" docs if ya know what I mean..the kinda walk in walk out thing. how far in depth does it seem that the state...
  2. JdubbfAdeD

    Doctor Recommendation Recieved. Now What?

    I received my doctor recommendation which was sent to me in an email. It is signed and meets the mmmp requirements etc.. but is the recommendation useless until I send it it to the state to get my card? or can the paperwork provided by the doc be used to make purchases and things?? Also the doc...
  3. JdubbfAdeD

    Lets play the guessing game. (Picture update)

    hopefully i dont get a small plants from seed? what do you mean by that?
  4. JdubbfAdeD

    Lets play the guessing game. (Picture update)

    anyone else with a guestimate? or even some tips on what I can do to ensure the bud turns out of the higher quality??
  5. JdubbfAdeD

    Lets play the guessing game. (Picture update)

    solid thanks guys, that makes me feel like a little less of a noob.
  6. JdubbfAdeD

    Lets play the guessing game. (Picture update)

    This is my first grow attempt, I have been in flower for a month now, buds are starting to look very good (to my knowledge) hairs are still all white no color changing yet, and white powdery (thc) is starting to appear around the buds. these are two of my 4 plants(all turned out female:lol:)...
  7. JdubbfAdeD

    Where to get bulbs?

    wondering where to get some hps? local stores..hardware? or whatever other bulbs may be good for flowering? I only have flo's right now?
  8. JdubbfAdeD


    They might determine how much bud your plant would yeild by its size, then charge you with having that much mj..i've seen it done. so long as theyre convinced its for personal use, you should get some fines/community service/na class some shit like that.get a good lawyer Sorry that happened...
  9. JdubbfAdeD

    Help im a Noob and there seems to be something wrong

    Try moving the light closer. I use MG also, my plants were around that size at 2 1/2-3 weeks, just be patient they'll take off, they look healthy. Good luck.
  10. JdubbfAdeD

    first grow need advice

    fluorescent cool white bulbs.I got 2 48'' for 8$.give the plant at lease 4-6 hrs of darkness.also make sure the room stays warm.
  11. JdubbfAdeD

    hmmm. first grow, anyway to tell gender before flower?

    this is my first grow, tossed my three sprouts (same seeds) in my closet under 2 48''t8 flo.'s they're 5-6 weeks now.. and ive been noticing constant growth, i was curios as to why the three plants, under same conditions (soil,light,water,etc) are growing so differently. One of my plant...