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  1. Woofpad

    girls have turned a pale green almost yellow.....what is wrong

    thanks tropic.....reading now
  2. Woofpad

    girls have turned a pale green almost yellow.....what is wrong

    thanks uber....ive just downloaded the schedules... Im sending a better set of photos in a sec
  3. Woofpad

    girls have turned a pale green almost yellow.....what is wrong

    so you dont think its was the cold temps at night..... they've three lots of feed now. as the company recommend one feed of NUTES per week...upon there recommendation Im not to add PK BOOSTER until 3 week of flowering
  4. Woofpad

    girls have turned a pale green almost yellow.....what is wrong

    I have a product PK BOOSTER...but as of yet not used it....was in truth unsure when to use
  5. Woofpad

    girls have turned a pale green almost yellow.....what is wrong

    its a liquid and no bleaching which Im guessing would be first at the top of the girls
  6. Woofpad

    girls have turned a pale green almost yellow.....what is wrong

    The ratio is based on a average by the company of 1ml per liter of fresh clean ph correct water.
  7. Woofpad

    girls have turned a pale green almost yellow.....what is wrong

    lmfao .....that the first Ive smiled for a bit lol..nukes omg.... Ok BAC organic grow a Spanish
  8. Woofpad

    girls have turned a pale green almost yellow.....what is wrong

    Hi all Haven't been around a while but plan on being back now. I've started these girls on from seedlings. everything was going well. Nice lush green leaves on all of them. Im using 600hps lamps and keeping them at a height of 16 in higher than the tops. The room temp has been a...
  9. Woofpad

    hi again....

    hi some vacation that was lol......Guys my leaves have turned sky wards on a couple of girls.... any ideas as to why...I have had someone else looking after my girls whilst i was on holiday and now due to some changes Ive made now Im home he has not doing so anymore......nightmare...
  10. Woofpad

    Air Pump for 10 pots

  11. Woofpad

    Air Pump for 10 pots

    HI All I wish to try an make a homemade air pump to cover a ten pot system. I can locate the air stones locally and the tubing I have already. Any suggestions or has anyone actually done this successfully. I wish I could afford the same as my other ones I have but monies tight and Im trying to...
  12. Woofpad

    Height of girls

  13. Woofpad

    Height of girls

    Brilliant stuff. Thanks hotrod and dope very useful and valuable pieces of information. My girls are supposed to be cheese but being new Im not show how i would be able to tell. I would upload photos but still havent worked out how to do this safely lol....paranoid is right Cheers
  14. Woofpad

    Height of girls

    brillant stuff thanks very much for that. Got my next set of girls going in soon. Learnt a lot in the last one...gonna try some slighty different lights arrangments this time. I have the space to try the height.... Cheers ISK.....grow strong eh
  15. Woofpad

    Height of girls

    HI I've been told that certain strains will only so high. Is this the case or will all strains reach the height in which they have or are aloud. That being said if you allow ya girl to reach 1.5 mtres does that automatically mean you will have super long flowers. I value your opinion all...
  16. Woofpad

    Agua Flores ??

    Hi all.....Im using agua Flores after vegging with agua vega and havent had to worry or be concerned about the ph values as the solution has regulators within itself. Flores is meant to be the same but my regular reading is 6.5/6 Im not sure whether to add down or to leave it. my current and...
  17. Woofpad


    HI Mad I'm using 250 litres dwc set up. I had a problem with the res temp. I noticed the girls weren't liking it to much an I had root issues, turning slighty brownish which I presumed would develop in rot. I used various methods to pull the temp done and was successful in installing a water...
  18. Woofpad

    Dried Leaf THC Content

    having nothing to smoke ive taken the leaves from the girls. ones that were being trimmed off anyway and dried them. crushed them in dust and used them instead of tobacco and yeah. the high was a nice mellow feeling. Well my kids wondered why i was so chilled in the morning getting the school...
  19. Woofpad

    When to top...

    awesome.. I'm coming towards the end of vegging. I've had a few issues and my girls have done well to be as nice as they are considering. Thanks for the pictures they are extremely helpful.
  20. Woofpad

    When to top...

    Perfect sense guys thanks for the tips