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  1. A

    A Simple Question on My Ideal Lighting Setup

    That actually brings me to another good question. Is their any benefit to using CFLs over the T5 FL's? I figured long bulbs would put out the light better, but thats a generic "bigger is better" train of thought and HPS lights have proven their dominance over 4 foot FLs. We will be going to...
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    A Simple Question on My Ideal Lighting Setup

    I appreciate the advice althor, but don't be a prick about it. I actually don't have a job right now, and if the employment rate where i live wasn't as crap as it is, i would have one right now. The reason i'm kinda rushing into it is simply because summer is extremely close, and since it is...
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    A Simple Question on My Ideal Lighting Setup

    Nice to meet everyone. I'm new here, and about to start my first grow sometime in the next month. Due to constraints on money, I am not able to purchase what i truly want (like full spectrum LED lighting that, according to a few sites, works for growing MJ). Anyhow, after extensive research i...