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    Fluffy not packed

    when my 12/12 starts, I usually turn on the light at night off during the day. this way you can keep the room cooler during the hot summer day. also, many power company will charge you less for not using power during peek hours like 1pm to 9pm or something. check with your power company. the...
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    Ozone generators??

    OOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMGGGGGGG "Filthy" who the fuck care about your moral imotions...GO GET HIGH OR SOMETHING, CAOUSE YOUR BUGGING
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    Ozone generators??

    Look, we are not family nor are we friends here. we all have one common goal of growing our own. therefore people who seek this website already made a choice and want to do it the right way. do you really believe that if we told him not to do it. he will not?...... instead im going to help him...
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    Fluffy not packed

    when you buy bud from the street. its usually air compressed to make it a smaller package. you got to rememer that transporting weed is illegal in most places. therefore people who sell in large quantity. (like 100 to 200 ponds) will transport the weed more discreet and to be able to send as...
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    Cheapest Hps And Mh Light?

    got to ebay. they have really good deals. 1000 watt for like 100 - 200 bucks. in store you can pay up to 500 for one. also buy your bulbs at ebay. i got my at 40 bucks. retail for 200 USD HPS Hortilux bulb . cheers
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    Ozone generators??

    Ozone is harmful in large quantity. if you have a ozone generator that produces less than 200mg/hour in a 900 sq ft room. youll be fine. problem is when the o3 output is 500mg/hour or higher. but you can always turn on the o3 when you leave the house for work or something. a o3 shock...
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    Ozone generators??

    why do you care about what other people do. please do not post things that have nothing to do with the question. if you want to blah about morals and what people should and should not do, than your in the wrong place buddy, since this is a growing weed site and most people on here are doing it...
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    Ozone generators??

    Hello cwil916 im thinking they are small plant? if so, dont worry about it too much. i had a full oporation in my closet at one time and the smell was not really a problem. instead you will have to find a place to dry them. (that's when it smells) however, if you are still worried. get one of...
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    New to growing.. Blueberry Seeds..

    hey, why dont you get feminized BB seeds? if you want ill let you know were you can buy them for 125 USD/10pack. (usually 170 to 211/10 pac) feminized seeds cost more but if you calculate the cost your on soil, neutriants, space that was used for the male plant. it might be worth just buying...
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    New to growing.. Blueberry Seeds..

    Trapper, Dont want to be rude or anything, but can you stop answering to this feed if your comments are personal. i think you can email a memeber directly, but we would like to keep the feed clean on subject. anyway, dont take it personaly, tks
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    New to growing.. Blueberry Seeds..

    Blunt88, how is the yield for BB? WW has been ok, but i need to grow as much as possible, considering this, is BB an ok harvester? 20 plants sea of green tks in advance
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    New to growing.. Blueberry Seeds..

    Hey Blunt88 i see that you have some experiance with BB. my questions to you is that currently i'am living in a very dry area. (very hot) with WW there were no issues regarding hight tempretures and humidity levels. however with the BB i was wondering if they are favorable in higher...
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    New to growing.. Blueberry Seeds..

    I dont know too much about BB, but for WW i can say that they are very gorwer firendly. WW seems to grow best in higher tempretures. i had my room around 85F and they loved it. also make sure to water them often. my ww needed watering every 2 days or so. you should have no problem growing them.
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    New to growing.. Blueberry Seeds..

    why is it the hardest to grow? i've been mainly growing ww but am now looking towards the blueberry. could you advise me what to look for or change compared to gorwing white widow? looking foward to your reply Best regards secret green giant
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    how many?

    How about 15 to 20 plants with a 600watt HPS light with sylvania hight intensity bulb? will i be able to grow 15 to 20 plants?
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    Growing in a Secret Closet

    Dear All, I was wondering how long does it take for a plant in Vegetation state to Harvest time. is it 2 month? reason is that i would like to harvest every month or every other month. i would like to know how far apart i should plant my seeds? can you advise. thanks Best regards Secret...
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    Growing in a Secret Closet

    thank you all for the ideas. i specially like the one with door knob. (never thought of that) Yes i'am very worried about the smell. the funny thing is that i just bought 2 ozone air cleaner from sharper image. that will make 3 air cleaner and smell removers devises. ( i hope this will work)...
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    Growing in a Secret Closet

    Yes my light is 800 watts here is the link: MH/HPS Dual Spectrum Grow Lights= i looked everywere for equitment. and this was the cheepest place i could find. What do you all think about having a exhaust fan from the light fixure goint to the crack of the door. (little opening below the...
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    MH and HPS lighting combined

    Well. i have done extended reserch. also reading some books, anyway the conclution was that you can use either lights but if you combine the 2 spectrums than you will have a much bigger chance at a larger harvest
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    S.O.S. What is going on?

    Dear All I'am just starting in growing my own plant. however i really need some advise from you all... I currently have: 1. 1- 800-watt MH and HPS dual lighting system. 2. 1- floro lights 2 bars (seedlings, clones) 3. 1- Co2 generator 4. 1- ozone generator ( smell/air cleaner) 5. 1- regular...