Ozone generators??


Active Member
I have heard these are not good for you. My grow box will be in a bedroom upstairs. The door will always be closed but my family all sleeps in the other bedrooms upstairs. I saw the "air ball" and thought it would be better than a big carbon exhaust scrubber. What is the best way to go for odor control in this situation. I will have 4-6 smelly plants. Neighbors are close by and I need good odor control.

Secret green giant

Active Member
Hello cwil916

im thinking they are small plant? if so, dont worry about it too much. i had a full oporation in my closet at one time and the smell was not really a problem. instead you will have to find a place to dry them. (that's when it smells) however, if you are still worried. get one of those regular air cleaners on ebay or something. ozone is more for the bigger gardens and intense odors.

Secret green giant

Active Member
why do you care about what other people do. please do not post things that have nothing to do with the question. if you want to blah about morals and what people should and should not do, than your in the wrong place buddy, since this is a growing weed site and most people on here are doing it discrete. come on!

Secret green giant

Active Member
Ozone is harmful in large quantity.

if you have a ozone generator that produces less than 200mg/hour in a 900 sq ft room. youll be fine. problem is when the o3 output is 500mg/hour or higher. but you can always turn on the o3 when you leave the house for work or something. a o3 shock treatment takes only 1 or 2 hours, so you do not need to have it on ALL the time.


Well-Known Member
Actually we should all care for each others here as members of this site, and if you can't see the consequences that if he does get caught by his family members they won't look at him the same way anymore then obviously you probably shouldn't be here.

I'll be gladly to help but im not going to tell him a better way of hiding his odor when the serious problem here is that he can fuck up his life. And believe everybody does it discrete but for some reason we still have alot of busts out there?


Active Member
Thanks to all that replied. By the way, it's my house. My family knows. I am trying to hide smell from neighbors. :hug:


Well-Known Member
hence i said family members. But if you feel thats appropriate to do around your childrens and if you do get caught because maybe one of them might find out nd tell their friends at school(most likely to happen) it wouldn't be nice to get a bang on the door in the morning and have your kids seeing you get taken away then its your choice not ours. Just looking out for you and if u would like to know theirs other alternative.


Active Member
Ozone is harmful in large quantity.

if you have a ozone generator that produces less than 200mg/hour in a 900 sq ft room. youll be fine. problem is when the o3 output is 500mg/hour or higher. but you can always turn on the o3 when you leave the house for work or something. a o3 shock treatment takes only 1 or 2 hours, so you do not need to have it on ALL the time.

Do you mean square feet or cubic feet? not sure if you meant floor spce or total volume because the instuctions are expressed in cubic feet and puts out between 2 and 40mg per hour. According to the instructions, I can keep it on the low setting however,while I can program it to come on and off up to 8 times per day, there is no inication as to how long it ought to be left on for at any given time. It makes reference to 'air changes' but does not define these. In short it's *really* confusing :? !


Active Member
hence i said family members. But if you feel thats appropriate to do around your childrens and if you do get caught because maybe one of them might find out nd tell their friends at school(most likely to happen) it wouldn't be nice to get a bang on the door in the morning and have your kids seeing you get taken away then its your choice not ours. Just looking out for you and if u would like to know theirs other alternative.

I think when posting questions on this type of website we are not looking for a moral or legal guilt trip but an answer to our questions. Not all of us live in a giant house with no neighbours kids or friends out in the middle of nowhere but actually have full and happy lives with kids and want to maintain that and not make our activities obvious by the pungent stink that wafts out of the house. It is because of our kids that we ask questions about the safety of these things. Growing your own is much safer than dealing with some dodgy bloke down the road for some bag of shit weed that you have been charged 20 quid for and when you can grow your own decent weed you also save yourself dosh and can spend it on your kids. Or save for their future.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Secret Green your an idiot. The reason it was brough up is that if it hadnt been his house and ity was found the owner would go to jail and loose the house so having some consideration and caring for your family may seem crazy to you but most normal people tend to not wanna screw thier family over. You can go to the faq DIY section there is an ona bucket air freshener and an small DIY home made carbon scrubber that should solve your issues.

Secret green giant

Active Member
Actually we should all care for each others here as members of this site, and if you can't see the consequences that if he does get caught by his family members they won't look at him the same way anymore then obviously you probably shouldn't be here.

I'll be gladly to help but im not going to tell him a better way of hiding his odor when the serious problem here is that he can fuck up his life. And believe everybody does it discrete but for some reason we still have alot of busts out there?
Look, we are not family nor are we friends here. we all have one common goal of growing our own. therefore people who seek this website already made a choice and want to do it the right way. do you really believe that if we told him not to do it. he will not?...... instead im going to help him becouse he will do it anyway and might as well have a correct information and know how. that is what this website is for. for example, when you were young and was learning about sex. did you not have sex becouse your parent or someone else told you not to? or did you go ask your friends about it? even though sex is not illegal, it can have life changing effects. (teenage parents)


Well-Known Member
that's your goal, is to grow. My goal is to educate people here that safety is more important. I do this and take my time to do this because i would like to see the percentage of bust go down. The more bust of these things the more heat comes to us and who knows maybe later on in the future we'll might even need a license to buy hydro supplies. If these stuff reach the news enough it becomes harder for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Look, we are not family nor are we friends here. we all have one common goal of growing our own. therefore people who seek this website already made a choice and want to do it the right way. do you really believe that if we told him not to do it. he will not?...... instead im going to help him becouse he will do it anyway and might as well have a correct information and know how. that is what this website is for. for example, when you were young and was learning about sex. did you not have sex becouse your parent or someone else told you not to? or did you go ask your friends about it? even though sex is not illegal, it can have life changing effects. (teenage parents)
I can agree with you on that, but common sense tells you if you have a pretty obvious chance of getting caught, than find an alternative way of doing it.


Active Member
Dude!-Stop losing sleep over my business. I posted a question to get an answer, not a lecture about your opinion of right and wrong. I know for a fact I will not have authorities banging on my door over a couple Medical plants that is recomended by my doctor. Those raids are on people who grow a butt load of weed and sell it then never pay tax for that income. That's when the feds get pissed.

I just don't want my neighbors to get wrong ideas, that's all. What I am doing is leagle.


Active Member
I have been running my ozone generator for 3 days now, half a day at a time on a low setting which throws out 2mg an hour, I have 2 plants that are 4and a half foot in the 4th week of flower and they stink the house out, the ozone generator has got rid of the smell and my paranoia. Still not sure on the safety of these things but Im still alive which is a bonus, I think on a low setting I should be ok.
Get off your soad box, Preacher. Nobody wants to hear your moral hangups. If more people would mind their OWN business we would have less bust. There are a lot of bust because there are a lot of Rat out there
You dont even know this person and your calling him a idiot, bro you got some issues youself. MIND YOUR OWN FUCKEN BUISNESS. People get busted because most people you included want to make money or smoke for less and when the cop come to your door you piss yourself and RAT out everybody you know. Please do us all a favor and just end it, lame!!!!