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  1. B

    Really close?

    Hey first time growing a plant. Could really use some advice on harvest readiness. Great weather in BC. this year for outdoor, but Temps are now dropping and humidity is high. Really hoping I am close to avoid issues that come with weather changes. Definitely noticing some of the tops are more...
  2. B

    Seedlings issue

    Yea. I hear ya. Definitely a fine line. I did just water them as they were light and dry prior. Any advise on when to water. I'm now trying to get a feeling for the weight and using that to gage watering schedules...?
  3. B

    Seedlings issue

    I am currently growing my first plant out doors right now . pictures below were taken 1 1/2 weeks ago. probably 2 weeks away from harvesting. I used the soil below and just fed it a seaweed solution towards the end. Thats it. I'm hooked now. I want to try doing the indoor tent thing. Most...
  4. B

    Seedlings issue

    Just some smaller 2" jiffy pots with seed starter mix(attached pics above. In previous post.). Plan on putting them in a 3 gallon pots with an organic super soil once they have a good root base. Please offer any advice. Thats why I love these forums :)
  5. B

    Seedlings issue

    Sounds good thanks. Moved it down to 12". See attached pics of soil used. Found soil pretty dry this morning on the taller one it was laying flat gave it a good drink this morning and it recovered. Stem just looks so unhealthy (red and thin)I maybe over thinking it...
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    Seedlings issue

    Hmm. Interesting. Thats the last thing I considered. Originally worried I had over watered. Or maybe lacking some kind of nutrition.
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    Seedlings issue

    Yes LED 45w. Full spectrum. Approx 20inch above. HIGROW Reflector 45W LED Grow Light Panel 225 LEDs 6-Band Full Spectrum Include UV IR
  8. B

    Seedlings issue

    Mostly concerned about odd color on stem... rather thin stem and purplish color. Please note the 2 that have not sprouted were planted a week later. Should these seedling be looking better for being 10 days old from start?
  9. B

    Seedlings issue

    This is my first time growing from seed. I put seeds directly into soil. They are autoflower Blue Dream. Really just trying to focus on not killing these guys. 10 days in from seed germinated in direct soil. Do they look okay? They look pretty fragile to me... thoughts?
  10. B

    Yellowing leafs

    I've been using a seaweed solution on it and desolving a little bit of the fast start organic balls in the water. See pictures. When would you suggest not feeding It anything... keep in mind this is the first time I've grown a plant. Since it entered flower its been hard to maintain a healthy...
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    Yellowing leafs

    I assumed it had more than enough nitrogen. Lots of the leaf tips are curling and crispy is that not a tall tale sign of burn?
  12. B

    Orange/amber colored substances

    That's funny. That was my first thought also. Eggs.
  13. B

    Yellowing leafs

    In the recent couple weeks I have been getting more and more yellowing leafs. Is this normal, my plant use to be such a nice color green...? Prior to flower.
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    Orange/amber colored substances

    Carried over from a bee perhaps?
  15. B

    Orange/amber colored substances

    Orange/amber colored substances on my outdoor plant... any idea what it is??
  16. B

    Pruning during early flower.

    I would say almost 2 weeks. I went and removed more first thing this morning. Could have probably trimmed up more off the top. The more I read up on it the more it makes sense to defol at this stage.
  17. B

    Pruning during early flower.

    Would you recommend doing more defoliation. The more I read the more I find its not that uncommon.. and can be very beneficial...
  18. B

    Pruning during early flower.

    Organic soil and water. Used some organic plant food at the beginning as well. Just started using a seaweed solution and seems to be working well its looking more healthy by the day.
  19. B

    Pruning during early flower.

    Here it is before the hair cut. A couple days ago. Kinda freaking out I have heard it could shock it into a herm.
  20. B

    Pruning during early flower.

    I might have made a rookie move. I started and couldn't stop lol. So I gave her a hair cut during early flower... thoughts anyone? Trimming during flower a bad idea? I tried removing mostly the lighter color leaves and the yellowing ones. Seemed like a good idea to open it up to allow more light...