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  1. C

    need help with sexing.

    ill take pics tomorrow of my setup.
  2. C

    need help with sexing.

    see i heard switch to a stronger wattage since they're bigger. so i went from a 40 watt cfl to a 120 blue light
  3. C

    need help with sexing.

    my bad it says its a "plant gro n sho" 120 watts. it's one of the blue bulbs. they look like big spot lights
  4. C

    need help with sexing.

    i just think it's from keeping the lights so far away at the beginning
  5. C

    need help with sexing.

    well for 8 weeks i kept light on 24 hours. i used those cfl's (spiral bulbs) but the temp was getting to hot and it was burning them. they were surrounded in aluminum foil. now i have 150 watt lights and three of them. they are about 6 inches now from the tops where as they were like 2 feet
  6. C

    need help with sexing.

    so since it's stretched how do i stop it? and is it bad that they are stretched?
  7. C

    need help with sexing.

    pretty much i don't see any balls or anything but inbetween the trunk and stems are more leaves or at least that's what's going on in plants 1 and 2
  8. C

    need help with sexing.

    i have 17 plants. bout 2/3 of them are like plant 1 and 2 and the other 1/3 are like plant 3 and 4. are they both males or what the hell are they. sorry the pics are blury, camera wouldn't focus.
  9. C

    Male or female? How do you know?

    ya i kept light on 24 hours for about 8 weeks. from the time i put it in the soil till the time i changed it to 18 on 6 off
  10. C

    Male or female? How do you know?

    wheres the growfaqs at?
  11. C

    How am I doing?

    I usually water mine about once every 2 days. i found out it just started to rot the root ball and made it very hard to grow thick trunks. it is possible to over water and drown. you can always go to a garden store and buy a tool that'll tell you how dry/wet your soil is
  12. C

    Male or female? How do you know?

    i've been growing since nov 11th, they didn't break the soil to the 15th. my plants are now about 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 feet tall. not really bushy. wanna know how to determine sex before i clone. there's a couple pistols between the trunk and stems on some of them but no hairs on any of them. are they...