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  1. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 25 October 31 I got my days mixed up. Above is the actual day since planted.
  2. Tea H. Sea

    Can't decide what's wrong with my plant...

    Judging by your description of how you feed it and pictures it looks like a Cal/mag deficiency. Get some dolomite lime, liquid cal/mag, or epsom salt. I recommend dolomite lime.
  3. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    haha yep. Exactly the same freebie from attitude. I ordered a normal NL from them too. But during germination, I got impatient and decided to dig through the soil to see if it was dead. My sifting through the soil tore the roots into pieces... durp. Sooo I was pretty stoked when I remembered...
  4. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    The Full Moon with the cal/mag problem is doing much better. I think you saved my ass...for now. Thanks a bunch for the help. I appreciate it, and I'm sure she does to. Day 17 October 27
  5. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    The last Sour Kosher pic... yummmmm. I said I was going to post another last night, but I passed out instead. Day 16 October 24 Day 3 since water only feed. Seems to be doing much better.
  6. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Forgot to post the other day. There will be another tonight too. Day 15 October 22 ​Day after first water only feed.
  7. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    cb420, nah you wouldn't offend me bro. If it's not a problem for you to post them, I'd love to see them. If you can do it in a PM I'd rather do that. But, if not, on here is cool too. I had to use Epsom salt since I already have it and can't get anything else. I'll definitely pick some up over...
  8. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Dolomite Lime: No, but I wanted to. I couldn't find any at the stores near me. I just switched it form a large-ish cup to a 3 gallon. I should've done this a week and a half ago, but I wasn't be able to buy a container. Funds hadn't arrived yet, lol. I may just order some online. You think I...
  9. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 14 October 20
  10. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    I've been feeding with around half of the recommended dose for seedlings about every 2 days/when the top inch of soil becomes too dry. I'll stop on the feed and see how she responds. Another thing too. The twist may be from when she shed the seed shell. The bladed leaves came out of the...
  11. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 11 October 17 Day 12 October 18
  12. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    For sure. Post away
  13. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 10 October 16
  14. Tea H. Sea

    Super Cropping

    How do you post your images so large in a reply? Mine are always minimize and you have to click on it to enlarge to its normal size.
  15. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 8 October 14 I forgot to post, but I was able to put the filter fan outtake together. Here it is: From left to right: Fan, PCU tunnel filter, homemade filter(dryer sheets), PCU tunnel, and some cardboard to extend the tunnel (it was too short). Next will be to connect this to the intake...
  16. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Day 7 October 13 Shell has been shed.
  17. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Sour Kosher and its parents Sour Kosher is an indica/sativa hybrid bred from Sour Diesel and Kosher Kush. It grows to a medium height and its flowering time is medium too. That's about all I know so far, and that came from The Attitude. One thing we can do until more information is gathered is...
  18. Tea H. Sea

    Sour Kosher Grow & The Magic Box

    Welcome to my deep sea laboratory You may call me Harry I'm a new user, and I'm going to share with all of you my Sour Kosher grow. There isn't a whole lot of info about this new strain from DNA Genetics, so hopefully you and I will learn something new as this journal progresses. That is...