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  1. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Yea I measured wet not dry..... But I expect to have some monstrous indica leafs from my White Widow.... I watched a video the other day on how to grow them/how they grow- and no lie the leaves were as big as the dudes hand! I can hook u up with some of those too if u want???? When I get them...
  2. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Hahahaha- I'll send you all my outdoor plants and u can grow them for me then-Hahahaha Seriously tho- did you get a chance to pick that up yet?
  3. ThaDonNacci

    ImissATARI's first grow ALL CFL

    Damn that sucks about ur account! But glad ur back! I was wonderin what happened to you. Plants are lookin good! Ur lady showed sex pretty damn fast! That's a good thing! Keep us updated!
  4. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Yea that's a possibility too! But at the same time it was supposed to be predicted all in a certain time period. Sorta like Nostradamus, all his predictions for the future that we read about were made in two years time..... Who really knows?
  5. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    ** WEEK 7 ** Ok, first- I harvested my Big Gurl the other day- Tuesday I think it was..... Just seemed like she was fallin apart on me.... Gradually lookin worse everyday.... So I chopped her down and am water curing her now since there wasn't much of her. Her main Cola is almost 4-5 inches...
  6. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    That's it dude- I aint gettin no chip either! And u think, if we refuse the "NEW WORLD ORDER" and don't get the chips then we'll be considered Rebels..... Hahahahaha! Fuck EM! I'll check out urs shortly, I'm fixin to update mine now.....
  7. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    I seriously doubt that the world itself is gonna end..... But all the calendars of ancient civilizations coinciding isn't coincidence I don't think. I expect some drastic change- like world war 3 or some shit where mad people will die and the human race will seriously be reduced, leaving the...
  8. ThaDonNacci

    1st Timer GETS LUCKY!! (pics)

    There are a few safe additives that you can use to improve the flavor. But I can't think of the names right off hand. Molasses is used to feed the microbes in the soil. Also, it's supposed to fatten the buds up and make them all around sweeter.....
  9. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    During the day I'd say so far this year it's only been down in the 30's. At night it has dropped to like 25..... But that's the coldest it's been so far, and it's only been warmin up lately.... Hell it's not uncommon to have it in the 70's Christmas time for a week or two at a time!
  10. ThaDonNacci

    First Small Grow

    Yea, I'm still here...Checkin in on ya helpin out where I can..... Yea, just read up on it.... either way u'll be good..... But, if you keep them on 24/7 to get your height quicker so as not to have to veg that long and rely on the 12/12 for root development- it could possibly lengthen your...
  11. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Yeea, I'm into all that shit too. December 21,2012- It's all gunna end! I don't think it's gunna end, just some serious drastic ass changes. Hell, maybe we'll end up like we started back in the day- when money didn't matter and we did what we needed to to survive. I'm a survivor- aint nothin...
  12. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Yea, I'll def have to do some more research to find out which ones are from where and their strengths.... I'm def gunna keep the Widows inside along with the Black D's..... I'll just start lookin around.... I used to live in PA- 5 inches of snow in a day is low- we used to get that in an hour...
  13. ThaDonNacci

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    No Prob! I'm here for the ride no doubt!
  14. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Right now I'm workin with roughly 250 total CFL watts....
  15. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    I live on the east coast US- VA
  16. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    Fuck it! You can have a plot too! You and Eight! There'd be plenty of room! Sellin them would not be a problem I don't think...... Especially if the media got wind of it!
  17. ThaDonNacci

    First CFL grow from Bagseeds

    That's what I'm talkin about bro! I'm majorin in Media Arts and Animation..... wont be done til 2012-2015- but hell, by the time I'm done I'll have everything I need to do it!!! Controversial and def not suited for younger audiences!
  18. ThaDonNacci

    First Small Grow

    Best to get the bullshit outta the way so now you can focus on gettin down and dirty with ur plants! Sorry to hear about the situation, but I'm still along for the ride.... And to clear up the 18/6 lighting a lil more for you..... The plants use the lights to grow up, when it's dark, that's...
  19. ThaDonNacci

    First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*

    Since the Black Domina stays short and stout, I may just keep those as my indoor plants-since I'd def have the room for them..... And just grow the rest outside....... But I'll def presex them to cull out the males, then switch them back to 18/6 so that they will be nice and established by the...
  20. ThaDonNacci

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Congrats on the new lady !