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  1. jHands

    Indoor No-Till Beds and Plant Counts

    So you flowered them in the cups and didn’t transplant to a larger container? I’m not sure how much clearer I can ask this question ‍♂️
  2. jHands

    Indoor No-Till Beds and Plant Counts

    Sorry, I’m not following. Did you flower in the solo cups or transplant from the solo cups into beds?
  3. jHands

    Indoor No-Till Beds and Plant Counts

    The reason I’m asking here is because I can’t experiment with it first hand, but I’m curious. I would run above my plant count, but my wife has a lower risk tolerance than I do with regards to Jonny Law. The grow I built in my garage is a scalable grow which is meant to be a learning project. My...
  4. jHands

    Indoor No-Till Beds and Plant Counts

    Greetings ladies and gents. Something that has been on my mind a lot lately has been plant counts. For this discussion, let’s assume that we are talking about plants per 4x4 living soil bed. The plant counts for the medical program in my state force me to usually run between 6-9 plants per 4x4...
  5. jHands

    Logan Soil Results

    How do my sodium levels look based on my soil analysis? They don’t really offer any reference values. Kinda frustrated at the lack of info that’s actually provided by these expensive soil tests I just paid for.
  6. jHands

    Logan Soil Results

    Just an update to this thread for anyone watching. I called KIS organics today. The lady on the phone was essentially useless, and had no knowledge of soil or amending, or their product line. I asked her if there was anyone with product knowledge or experience there that could field some...
  7. jHands

    Logan Soil Results

    Thank you. Do you know if KIS organics has a similar product? They’re local and I enjoy supporting local companies.
  8. jHands

    Logan Soil Results

    Noticed magnesium was low. That kind of aligns with the issues I’ve been noticing as well. Wondering how to correct those micronutrient issues. Part of me wants to just keep trucking and mulching. Let nature run it’s course. The scientist in me wants to know how to amend and bring balance.
  9. jHands

    Logan Soil Results

    Greetings friends. I sent samples of my living soil in for analysis. Bed 1 was at the end of flower while bed 2 was at the beginning of flower. Here are the results. Looking for some tips on how to optimize my soil. Any help is appreciated.
  10. jHands

    Living Soil, Light Intensity, and LED’s

    Right, so you want me to flood my rooms with hundreds of gallons of water? Not trying to be a dick, but flushing 240 gallons of soil is a tall task in a sealed environment. I’m going to send some soil samples to Logan this week and then see what needs to be done. More than likely, I’ll end up...
  11. jHands

    Living Soil, Light Intensity, and LED’s

    It’s a coot mix with 1/3 castings, plus 5% by weight of biochar. Considering I’m in 4x8 beds, I don’t think I’m moving them into a bath tub.
  12. jHands

    Living Soil, Light Intensity, and LED’s

    Here’s some pics. I’m running a soil analysis. Something isn’t right.
  13. jHands

    Living Soil, Light Intensity, and LED’s

    Running a coot’s mix under Progrowtech LED fixtures. Nothing but stressed plants and burnt tips over the 9 months I’ve been using them. Can’t run the fixtures anywhere near peak power and canopy distance without issues. Can’t even run the lights at low power, 3 feet from canopy without the...
  14. jHands

    Coots mix under LED, yellowing tips.

    Ever figure this one out? I’m having tons of issues with coot’s mix under my LED fixtures. Tips yellow very easily and then if it’s not corrected, stress galore. I can barely turn my lights up on some strains.
  15. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Been talking to someone on Instagram who uses these fixtures in soil. He runs them anywhere from 6 inches to 3 feet off the canopy with good results. Claims that it’s all strain dependent. Funny thing though, I’m running a strain my buddy gave me. He runs it under same fixtures in rockwool and...
  16. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    My current method allows for plenty of time for the plants to acclimate to the LED’s in veg. I start them with the lights far away and dialed down. I wait for the plants to start growing towards the lights before I start adding any intensity to any spectrum.
  17. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    Hard to say because I don’t hand water. I have blumats in the beds.
  18. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    The stress is occurring at lower power intensities with good canopy distance as well?
  19. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    I’m going to focus in on that. I’m wondering if my fans are creating too low of a leaf surface temp, and that combined with the lower RH I’m running is throwing the VPD out of whack and causing these issues. I haven’t really followed a VPD chart yet.
  20. jHands

    Living Soil LED Grow - Deficiencies? Light Stress?

    The fixtures only pull 700 watts with all spectrums at 100%. It could be a combo of too much light and VPD being out of range.