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  1. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Flower day 2 :)
  2. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Progrowtech EV700 full spectrum LED
  3. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Looking better and nearing flip time. About another week. Took 40 clones out of there today. They’re drinking a lot of water now too. Tips are still mostly yellow, but the heavy leaf damage is fading.
  4. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Not sure on the moss. I may have overwatered at some point because when I inserted the probe into the root zone 3 days after watering it indicated very moist soil. As the soil has dried out, and the probe has confirmed it with increasing mbar ratings, some of the plants have come to life. I’m...
  5. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    What should I shoot for? Doesn’t living soil have a range that it fluctuates in?
  6. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Iron sulfate is what they recommend. Some of the plants aren’t as stressed. Check these photos.
  7. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Funny thing is, the plants that made it through the rough learning curve are showing signs of vigorous growth, yet still showing slightly burnt tips etc. I’m thinking about treating the pH and just running them through and seeing what happens. Guy at the ag store claims my yields will suffer...
  8. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    The beds are in rooms with standard doors to enter. No drains in floors. Was never intending on flushing as it’s kinda frowned upon with living soil. Aggravated at my poor planning right now. Best case scenario is flush then shop vac run off? I don’t even know if I can flush in these geo...
  9. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    The ECe rating is what they’re referring to. They didn’t even bat an eye at the calcium levels etc. They’re blaming the high ratio of castings in the mix, yet I know guys that have run this same recipe and are absolutely crushing it, without even bothering to do an analysis. How would you...
  10. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Yeah the place I bought my amendments from (local) is recommending a thorough flush of the soil. Not possible given my situation. What can I do about these salts?
  11. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    I have no idea. How can I find out lol
  12. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Soil analysis came back. Plants are more healthy now though, go figure. Some of them didn’t make it, but the ones that did are taking off. Time to get creative with the canopy management. Anyone have any insight on what to do with these results?
  13. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Forgot to add that to soil. I did include biochar charged with hydrolysate. Keep forgetting I put that in. I really do think it’s Nute Burn. I’m taking soil samples tomorrow morning and sending them out.
  14. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Will do. In the mean time, soil sample going out tomorrow. And I’m going to fill that other bed in my other flower room sooner rather than later to better prepare for when that room gets planted.
  15. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Humidity has been dialed back to around 50 and is holding steady. My best educated guess (and I’m no dummy) is nutrient burn and nitrogen toxicity. The plants on one half of the bed showed symptoms first. Explosion of growth, once transplant shock was over and roots established, followed by...
  16. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    The LED’s are 700 watts currently dialed down in red and yellow spectrum to 25%, 50% in blue. They’re 24-36 inches from canopy depending on plant height. Following manufacturer’s lighting guidelines as I have some friends that have followed them successfully when starting out with no LED experience.
  17. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Correct. Coot mix. 1/3 EWC 1/3 cspm 1/3 pumice amended. It’s on the previous page of this thread.
  18. jHands

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Are you leaning towards root rot? I have quite a bit of pumice in this mix. Mostly small to medium with a few bags of larger mixed in. I was really leaning towards Nute Burn and nitrogen toxicity due to how the girls came back to life vigorously, got super dark green, then started to burn.
  19. jHands

    First Living Soil Grow - Plants Not Happy

    Leaning towards Nute Burn and nitrogen toxicity due to the fact that these are in soil that isn’t cooked all the way. Thoughts?
  20. jHands

    Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

    Having some issues in this living soil. Base soil mix was equal parts EWC, pumice, cspm amended coot style. It sat outside for 30 days under a tarp in below ideal temperature (45 degree average). When I brought it into my 4x8 bed in my sealed room, my co2 wasn’t kicking on because the soil was...