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  1. eskykev

    UPDATE : frozen plants PICS

    i'd let it grow till you get your good seeds bet it will be crankin hard by then my last girl took ages at first then went into overdrive. as for tips going brown i'd say soil not good for such young plant maybe
  2. eskykev

    how long left till harvest

    2 weeks lol extremely hard to tell with no pics
  3. eskykev

    electrical question!

    They won't care as long as you pay by due date it only the money they after and i doubt it will make much differance to your bill. according to your figures it would take about 2.5 hours running a 400w HPS for the 7.76c KWH which to me seems cheap where you from i in australia and were about 19c...
  4. eskykev

    maybe dumb question

    only one way to really find out.
  5. eskykev

    How does my girl look? *pics* need input

    nice looking plant keep up the good work. congrats
  6. eskykev

    First Grow: Here are the Results!

    about 10 times better than my first grow compliments. But did think maybe a week longer at first glance.
  7. eskykev

    to cure this dead bud or not

    try some and find out the buds look ok compared to the rest of plant lol
  8. eskykev

    Please help! My babies are dying!

    if soil has time release ferts to much watering can release to much nutes. I had similar prob my first grow changed to differant soil and had no probs am now using coco.
  9. eskykev

    Feedback/Constructive Criticism Please..

    I think they look good so far. What u gonna do when they get bigger?
  10. eskykev

    Simple co2 question

    I recently saw a vid on youtube mixing sugar, yeast and water in a bottle and is apparently good for a week. look up Co2 generator.