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  1. New Guy...

    Big Buddha Automatic... First Grow

    well thanks everyone for the feed back... (sarcasm) but they all did well they each yielded about 10 grams, wouldve been more if there were better lights. Extremleyeasy to grow and a really nice smoke. I would reccomend to fellow growers. Next grow will be blueberry auto by lowlife, snowryder...
  2. New Guy...

    Big Buddha Automatic... First Grow

    hey man, im using just fome t12 fluoroscnts, four foot long tubes. as for my nutes im using a simple 6-9-0, and this is big buddha auto. and im not sure what the difference is either. post a link to ur journal i will look at it.
  3. New Guy...

    Big Buddha Automatic... First Grow

    Well it is nearing the 4-5 week range and they are starting alot more new growth, and quickly too. here are some pictures for anyone who has been looking.
  4. New Guy...

    Big Buddha Automatic... First Grow

    lol the spray bottle is the key ingredient in growing marijuana....j.k. but ive been growing em for about 3 to 3 and a half weeks now and they have been flowering for a few days now. (growing flowers) but j.w. but what r u using to grow?
  5. New Guy...

    Big Buddha Automatic... First Grow

    nice, btw how much did it yield, and how was the smoke? just getting a feel for em.
  6. New Guy...

    Big Buddha Automatic... First Grow

    nice plants, i havent posted new pics yet but there is alot more growth, upwards of ten leaves now. But neways how long it take to get that big n stuff. beautiful pics btw.
  7. New Guy...

    Big Buddha Automatic... First Grow

    This is just one of two others, and then im growing two reg seeds just to mess around with em and hone my skills. When more growth is apparent i will post more pics.
  8. New Guy...

    Big Buddha Automatic... First Grow

    Hey guys, to anyone who comes across this journal, this is my first grow. So response is much appreciated. P.S. seeds just germinated and put into soil. When they break soil I will post some pics.