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  1. Miko2

    Outdoor Grow 2014

    The more the better :) Than again, I got great sun light but only a 1.5 feets tall :(
  2. Miko2

    Outdoor Grow 2014

    Cool, they look great.. BTW, tip of the week/month/year ..... GET RID OF THE ALUMINIUM ....... I dunno if they use choppers in your area, but aluminium is the worst thing, other than a lamp ! VERY easy to spot !!
  3. Miko2

    Pre-Flower Leaves Turning Brown

    LOL actually it's a good way to troll.. go into newbies threads and just post "it's a male" no matter what you see (even if there are no pics).. :) Yay, second guy saying it's a female ! Too bad this plant's existence costs 1 cat's life, all the 9 souls..... ;) (just kidding) Thanks for naming...
  4. Miko2

    Pre-Flower Leaves Turning Brown

    This is an earlier picture (3 days older), sorry for the quality..... the other side looks the same.... What do you mean by 'older female' ? Is that cause it's 10 weeks old and suppose to be like that at 8 weeks old ?
  5. Miko2

    Outdoor Grow 2014

    beautiful ! :) too bad the sun is hidden by the trees..
  6. Miko2

    Pre-Flower Leaves Turning Brown

    female ? are you 420% sure ?
  7. Miko2

    Wife said to get rid of the smell or get rid of the plants!

    MJ or wife ? I hope she finds a nice hotel..
  8. Miko2

    Pre-Flower Leaves Turning Brown

    My first grow - guerilla style (10 weeks old, not auto). 1) Is the fact those 2 little pre-flower leaves are turning brown OK ? they are like 1.5 weeks old (the leaves) 2) Any word about the sex ? :) (This node was topped, that's why you see the brown scar between the stems)
  9. Miko2

    Pre-Flower Leaves Turning Brown

    My first grow - guerilla style (10 weeks old, not auto). 1) Is the fact those 2 little pre-flower leaves are turning brown OK ? they are like 1.5 weeks old (the leaves) 2) Any word about the sex ? :) (This node was topped, that's why you see the brown scar between the stems)
  10. Miko2

    NorthEast USA Outdoor Yields

    Nice, you should spray the sticks green.. good luck :)
  11. Miko2

    What's the difference between normal leaves and 'sex' leaves ?

    Hiding is a must.. or the whole thing might get ripped up..... 10 gallons is big, I guess you grow Indicas :)
  12. Miko2

    Plant Size Vs THC%

    So the females say - size doesn't matter.... Good to know, I think that if today I were to start planting, I'd go for the strongest autos and not the biggest trees... quality wins, quantity sells (for those who do that) - so for me - quality. :)
  13. Miko2

    What's the difference between normal leaves and 'sex' leaves ?

    Yeah I didn't want to top it, but I saw time goes by and no signs of sex, so... no reason not to do it. It's in a small amount of bought soil, and yes - not the best natural soil around it .. (the bought soil is a bit hidden.. it's darker than the native) I wanted a small plant, cause it's...
  14. Miko2

    Plant Size Vs THC%

    Ok, but how ? With everything I said and a bigger plant = lower THC % ? higher THC % ?
  15. Miko2

    What's the difference between normal leaves and 'sex' leaves ?

    I've already topped, again topped, and just now FIMmed/topped the highest (4) nodes (not yet sure if it went well), as can be seen in pic b.jpg :) So the plant should be having 8-16 high tops and few more "medium high" tops which are visible in the middle of the plant .. My idea was to FIM/TOP...
  16. Miko2

    Plant Size Vs THC%

    Let's say I have 2 seeds from the same parents, both are grown using the best conditions (food, water, light etc..) BUT, 1 has an unlimited roots space to grow.. and grows 6 feets tall. 1 was limited, the roots can grow, but are dramatically limited in space.. and grows 2 feets tall. Will they...
  17. Miko2

    What's the difference between normal leaves and 'sex' leaves ?

    I wish, it's actually pretty small for a 10 weeks old, around 1.5 feets tall.. I made a mistake and dag holes which are too small.. Pics included, any word about it's sex ?
  18. Miko2

    What's the difference between normal leaves and 'sex' leaves ?

    This one's better, I'm not in the USA.. Ok, so I won't change nutes yet.. Thanks.
  19. Miko2

    What's the difference between normal leaves and 'sex' leaves ?

    Yes, I guess the question is about what if the days don't get shorter, cause they still are very long, and it's almost 10 weeks old..
  20. Miko2

    What's the difference between normal leaves and 'sex' leaves ?

    Ok, now things are more clear, Thanks a lot..