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  1. seaofarjanz

    12/12 light INTERUPTED!!!!!!! HELP!!!!

    yeah no worries, your plants will be fine. peace
  2. seaofarjanz

    Welcome New Members!

    hey guys, how do you change the nickname?? mine says stranger..i have no idea how to change it. anyone??:-?
  3. seaofarjanz

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    ya dude miracle grow is hurtin soil. next time get like a pro-mix. My buddy used miracle grow witht he nutrient release shit and he was adding nutrients but he had to flush them all the time. Its easy to over do it. If you do add nutrients, i'd go organic.
  4. seaofarjanz

    Nirvana's Papaya 400w MH grow.

    hey douche, plants are lookin good man!! What nutes are you using? I use organic nutrients cause its alot harder to overfertilize. I've been using iguana juice grow, the plants fucking love it. good luck man all the best
  5. seaofarjanz

    Welcome New Members!

    whats goin on peeps, i'm new to the forum. jus got a few quick questions. Is it necessary to use Cal-Mag if you are using distilled water? Do organic nutrients contain calcium?? Is it ok to mix big bud with botanicare bloom formula?? or would that be a problem?
  6. seaofarjanz

    My soil's ph is 6.9 - 7.1

    What is the PH of the water you are using?
  7. seaofarjanz

    Help???? Advanced Nutrients

    hey man isn't pure blend pro a botanicare product?? its not n' AN product
  8. seaofarjanz

    Magnesium Deficiency?? Need some help.

    i have the exact same prob with my plants. leaves look very similiar to yours. Also the new growing sprouts are a lime like colour. very weird colouring.:-( I did some research and i'm pretty positive its a mag def. probly caused by a Ph imbalance or cause the nutrients being used dont contain...