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  1. R

    Am I right that this is nutrient burn?

    Thanks for the help folks. Really appreciate it.
  2. R

    Am I right that this is nutrient burn?

    So she needs more nutrients is what you're telling me? Should I go with 50/50 water and my 5-30-30 flower mixture or 50/50 water and my nitrogen 30-5-5 mix?
  3. R

    Am I right that this is nutrient burn?

    So I put my plants into flower phase a little over a week ago. Last Tuesday, I water with 50/50 water and water with 5-30-30 to avoid nute burn. So I came home from the holiday to find the lower pedals of my girls yellow and dead. I removed them hoping it was just the lower pedals dying off...
  4. R

    Help! I just started to flower my plants and one collapsed!

    Ok, in the time I wrote this, she perked back up. I had let it get hot in the closet (Temp read 99F at top) as I was trying to gauge how much ventilation I needed for these new bulbs. Now that I have more ventilation, temp is down to 83F. Could that have been what caused her to sag? But...
  5. R

    Help! I just started to flower my plants and one collapsed!

    First time grower. I decided it was time to start to flower these two and swapped my 6500 for 2700s. The one on the right seems ok, but the one on the left collapsed in like an hour. I watered them yesterday, so I know it didn't happen just like that to over watering. What could it be?
  6. R

    Does this look right?

    Is it too early to sex them?
  7. R

    Does this look right?

    The CFLs I have in there are actually 105W bulbs; they're 12 inches long. They're about the equivalent of 1000W regular bulbs. I have 2 105W (actual) 2700K that I'll swap to when I want to flower. Right now I'm running them 16 hours on/8 off. Should I swap bulbs and switch to 12/12 soon?
  8. R

    Does this look right?

    They should be showing now
  9. R

    Does this look right?

    First time grower. Using 2 105w 6500 CFLs. This is 3 weeks in: Does everything seem to be ok? Can I sex the plants yet? For reference, the strain is White Widow.