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  1. GaryLazerEyes

    FNG here. I need help identifying problems.

    Just wanted to say my plants are recovering awesome after getting rid of the thrips, raising the pH of my water, and feeding them potassium. I've been turning up the soil every time the top layer dries to help with the over-watering. Thanks for the help boys!
  2. GaryLazerEyes

    FNG here. I need help identifying problems.

    Hey guys thank you for the responses! @Rebs4220 I'm going to buy some nutrients to feed my plants. Is there one that contains all the nutrients my plants need? Also I've cut an opening near my fan to allow outside air in. @Diabolical666 You were right, I do have thrips! This morning I put down...
  3. GaryLazerEyes

    FNG here. I need help identifying problems.

    So to start off I started growing by accident. I threw some seeds I found in some bud into a pot with a house plant in it. To my surprise they started growing so I kept going with it. I found I really enjoy doing this so I figured I'd use these first plants as a chance to learn as much as I can...