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  1. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    Yes it looks like sativa and no I pillage grandmas pot plant my brother is the one who smokes at grandmas yard I guess he threw a seed there and it did grow and I saw it its mine now.
  2. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    Found her at my grand parents yard she was bloming already maybe a week or two and not getting much sunligh then I transplanted her in a 2lt pot I took soil from my garden mix it with bone meal, banana peals,and dry chicken poop I make tea that's all I give her she's been bloming for 6 week...
  3. bernett stoner

    will high temp have an impect on the potency of my bud

    Hello growers first time I grow outdoor well I live In south africa and weather Is great for growing cannabis I have one girl she's doing pretty good thou there are problems like browning of her leaves she only have bud leaves but still bloming big leaves have gone brown till they died they r...
  4. bernett stoner

    what can be wrong with my plant

    Lol she's in a 2lt pot I move her easy everyday I also u put her in the closet at night and rain water is the way I can go with here tap water ph level Is 8.1 about the toilet water is swirling to the left lol
  5. bernett stoner

    what can be wrong with my plant

    I'm from S.A its summer here bright sunshing no rain and cloudy days the temp goes above 30degree like today we at 37degrees were I live and its dry
  6. bernett stoner

    what can be wrong with my plant

    No did not steal any ones plant I guess its one of the seed I throwed wich I found In a bag of weed that I smoke went out of town for 2 month came back there was she flowering I'm not a expect on growing cannabis but I can tell what a male plant from a female plant I did grow 2 plants last but I...
  7. bernett stoner

    what can be wrong with my plant

    so there's nothing I can do about it? Took it out this morning and buds are starting to be heavy new pistols all over the buds new bud leaves are ok but the older leaves has brown tip
  8. bernett stoner

    what can be wrong with my plant

    no man I found it at the place that I'm used to smoke at I guess it one of the seed throwed there
  9. bernett stoner

    Smoke the weed not the seed

    Smoke the weed not the seed
  10. bernett stoner

    what can be wrong with my plant

    Found this flowering weed in the spot I use to smoke at, Its a foot size and I took it out of the soil transplanted it in 2lt pot I just took soil from the garden wixed it with bonemeal, dry chicken poop and banana peals I put it outdoor in my back yard were it gets 12 hours of direct sun light...
  11. bernett stoner

    ph or heat problem? NEED HELP!

    My leavs tips also getting brown I'm growing organic weed with bonemeel chicken poop banana peals watering with rain water but add lemon sap for ph water reads 6.8 when I test r/o water with my kit it gives me a calour light pink I think its 7.5 I'm using a pool test kit
  12. bernett stoner


    Hi growers I live in south africa sure its a good place to grow weed but I wana ask I found this weed tree it was on flowering stage maybe 2 week so its about a foot size look like sativa to me it WAS sick AND diying so I took it out of the ground trAnsplanted it in a 2lt pot with banana peel ...
  13. bernett stoner

    Any Tips On CFL's ? Please don't talk about Hps/HID/MH

    My buds going into 6th week of flower still using both cfl and sun camera sucks
  14. bernett stoner

    at five weeks of flower

    My camera suck sorry but good hear that they a doing ok so far
  15. bernett stoner

    at five weeks of flower

    Hi guys I'm 5 weeks in flower using both cfl and sunlight are my buds forming ok at this point and time
  16. bernett stoner

    am I doing right so for with my plant ?

    My buds at for weeks do the look ok that a lighter ?
  17. bernett stoner

    cloudy shitty day outside or 400w of cfl inside?

    So it grows in cloudy days?
  18. bernett stoner

    pistols tips brown/red

    So its normal I guess!
  19. bernett stoner

    pistols tips brown/red

    Hi guys I have a female marijuana I'm 3 weeks in flower but I noticed that the tips of the pistols are brown are they drying? Only the tips of the pistols not the whole pistol any ideas guys?