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  1. M

    Leaves Look Lazy

    Also they look a tad bit yellow. Maybe some nitrogen deficiency. That could also attribute to the droopiness .
  2. M

    ideas whats the problem

    try molasses. 1 tbsp per gallon water. could go up to 2 tbsp but id stay with 1
  3. M

    How much do medical seeds cost?

    I 3rd
  4. M

    Salvia.. done it?

    Salvia is a wonderful and truly life changing herb. Ive done 20x many times now, and each and every time is amazing. Ive had horrible trips and wonderful trips, and i love them both. I think they are both a means of trying to truly understand yourself, consciously and unconsciously. Of course it...
  5. M

    Advice Please

    didnt quite have enough dirt for all of em. Wasnt planning on transplanting the big one so i was a bit low on dirt after transplanting all the small ones from the sprout cups to the pots. I checked though, and its got plenty of room for root least for a while
  6. M

    Come on really could use some help

    the molasses thing.. all i can tell you is its about 1-2 tablespoons per gallon of water. As for the spray i think you just put it in the water you give em... but then again im not entirely sure
  7. M

    Top leaves are curling down & are lime yellow

    yellowing is nitrogen typically. If they are browning at edges curling and drying id guess phosphorous. useful page in this forum at top of threads that goes through a description and pics of each type. Go check it out
  8. M

    Top leaves are curling down & are lime yellow

    ok so its obviously starting into flowering. As the plant flowers, it is natural for a good majority of the leaves to yellow/droop. They shouldnt be browning and drying though, like a couple of yours look. possibly a deficiency prob
  9. M

    none of my fan leaves are growing anymore

    yes only 1 plant/pot. Also thats no where near enough wattage for that plant. I have 2 45W cfls and 1 23 watt total lumens is prolly about 7k. Even all thats about enough to manage a 2x2 space and a couple plants max
  10. M

    Re-Plant my solo Female?

    the plants die after yield ever year. If you let it go and just harvest the buds, it should pop up again next year
  11. M

    Check out my first plant

    probably a couple more weeks. Looks like its just now got into flowering
  12. M

    Advice Please

    if it doesnt perk up soon ill try the epsom salt thing
  13. M

    Advice Please

    yeah. about 6.3 on soil. Ok heres the pics guys tell me what you think the last pic is a pic of the 6 of my month oldish ones. Tell me what ya think also
  14. M

    Advice Please

    ill re pot into a topsoil mix then
  15. M

    Advice Please

    but i dont nute so iunno
  16. M

    Advice Please

    check 6 whole pages... no ones post seemed to match my prob thats why i posted. Also looked at complete guide to ailments, no match... i mean certain things i found like the browning but nothing that described my whole issue.. or even the canoe-ing leaves
  17. M

    Advice Please

    I posted conditions into one of my previous posts if you wanna check em. And pics will be up tomorrow
  18. M

    Advice Please

    ill post pic tomorrow. But could you think up anything off the top of your head? If this helps ,the leaves are curling like canoes. also edges of leaves are browning... and for info i use pure bottled spring water, soil is MG organic with perlite, sand, and a little lime. soil ph is about 6.3...
  19. M

    Advice Please

    I have about 8 plants growing right now. 1 is about 1.5-2 months old, 1 about 2 weeks and the other 6 are right around 1 month. The month olds are lookin great and growing well. Problem is the eldest 1. All are grown outdoors but under care. check for bugs and parasites everyday. Just recently...
  20. M

    lighting of color.... leaves growing upward?

    They dont look that bad. The folding of the leaves upward is the plant stretching for the light source. Otherewise, they look fine. Let em be for a week and give em time to grow a couple more nodes. If you odnt have any progress wthin a week or so, then you might have a problem.