lighting of color.... leaves growing upward?


Well-Known Member
my babiesare just almost 1week and the first REAL leaves are developing well but they seem to be growing upward instead of out.... and what really bugs me is that the middle is turning light greenish and is moving outward to the tips of the leaves... im thinking im just overwatering but not sure and i'd rather know for 100% then asuming and being to late if theres something else wrong with it they r getting plenty of light and all so anyone got any sugestions PLEASE HELP ME!!!


Well-Known Member
here are 2 pics not very good ones but they are the best i could get i dont have a very steady hand. 1st is the curling...... whats wrong? can i fix it? and the 2nd is the top of the plant in the center going out (not very well) but u can see the middle slightly turning light green..... is it dying?



Active Member
They dont look that bad. The folding of the leaves upward is the plant stretching for the light source. Otherewise, they look fine. Let em be for a week and give em time to grow a couple more nodes. If you odnt have any progress wthin a week or so, then you might have a problem.