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  1. CarbonX

    Herb light schedule

    You can get away with 24/0 or 20/4. I grew herbs under a 45w CFL for 24/0
  2. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Well I tried 20-20-20 for feed but I'm thinking that they might like nitrogen more then any thing. The lettuce that I grew is a 45 day strain so I think that I could get away with pure nitro. Growing food indoors is hard to do because they are more demanding then herbs hands down.
  3. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Looking good DST. My lettuce grew kinda messed up and I have no idea why but it was still good. It taste very good. Sadly it didn't make it to any salads or burgers or any thing because it got picked and ate right then and there. :-P
  4. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    ok here's some 411 1 - You can use solid plant food that is water soluble and that is 20-20-20 2 - Depending where you live you can get low wattage MH and HPSs that can get as low as 35w and I would recommend using both MH and HPS for both veg and flowering because the plants use both sides of...
  5. CarbonX

    Hydroponic Vegetable/Fruit Forum??

    Hey bump1987. I made a thread for indoor gardeners only (no bud stuff type of deal) if your growing your food indoors with or without natural sun light you are very welcome to. I also made a thread for gardeners (non weed type of stuff like how much light is enough for my mj plants and such)...
  6. CarbonX

    CarbonX's Garden

    Update Well I don't know if any of the mint seeds that I planted will come up but that's ok because I got my 3 Lettuce - Grand Rapids seedlings that are doing very well.
  7. CarbonX

    CarbonX's Garden

    Haha. I'd love to get into composting maybe have a small indoor one and make compost tea out of it some how. I changed the 45w CFL to the 3.5w LED (With out the glass bulb) when i went to bed and when I woke up the starter leafs opened up while I was sleeping.
  8. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Its almost a cross between a Kiwi and pare. The plants they come off of almost look like a cactus. Thanks I was thinking about getting a MH and set it up on a solar system to run off of it maybe 1 to 4 hours a day depending on what wattage I can get.
  9. CarbonX

    CarbonX's Garden

    Part update. Well the Lettuce - Green Rapids is still alive with using the LED light but I changed it out for the 45w CFL. I have some good news and bad news today. The bad news is that I got 2 of my planted mint seeds mixed up but thanks to the photos that I took I might have figured out what...
  10. CarbonX

    A Little Bit Of A Standard Within This Site Please

    Ignore the bad and if a negative post was done in your thread just message a mod to remove the ignorant post. Also the longer you've been on this site the more respect people give you. A guy posted ignorant things in my thread and I was nice and told him to stop it and to delete his post and he...
  11. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Hey everyone. I went to the store a few days ago and bought a Dragon Fruit. I saw it on the cooking channel and thought I'd try it. For those of you who don't know what it looks like I took some pics for you guys to look at. Hey Mc I gots a question for you. Since the power draw of a grow...
  12. CarbonX

    CarbonX's Garden

    Part update. Well the Lettuce - Green Rapids is still alive with using the LED light but I changed it out for the 45w CFL. I have some good news and bad news today. The bad news is that I got 2 of my planted mint seeds mixed up but thanks to the photos that I took I might have figured out what...
  13. CarbonX

    CarbonX's Garden

    Update well guys and gals. Today when I woke up I saw that 2 of my 3 Lettuce - Grand Rapids have sprouted. I put them under the light and it seems like the took less time to sprout then the package said so.
  14. CarbonX

    Kitty's Garden 2011

    The flowers look very beautiful Kitty.
  15. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Thanks. I might have to do some testing with the crystals that you soak in water that are used to put around the candles for decoration. If you have garlic cloves around you can crush and dice half of one up and put it into 1L of water and lit it sit for a few seconds before you spray. Spray the...
  16. CarbonX

    Grey Zucchini?

    There are some reasons to why plants abort flowers 1 - Humidity 2 - Soil is to wet or to dry to much of the time 3 - If its to hot or to cold 4 - Your not feeding it the proper kind of food.
  17. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Got a question for you guys and gals. I was wondering if there is stuff that you can buy that's almost like the gel crystals that you can buy and mix into the soil that will help hold more water in it. Also is it possible to use the gel crystal stuff that you use for candles that you soak in...
  18. CarbonX

    CarbonX's Garden

    Surprise Everyone!!! ----- Lettuce - Grand Rapids ----- ----- Spearmint (Mentha Spicata) ----- ----- Peppermint (Menthe Poivree) ----- ----- Mint (Mentha Spp.) -----
  19. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Here the laws about having a gun is strict. If the LED lights does very well compared to CFLs I'll change over to cover more area and use less power. ;)
  20. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Hahaha sorry but I wouldn't send it to anyone or let anyone use it. Unfriendly animals. A couple days ago a cougar killed a guy's dog and attacked him when he was trying to save his dog and it happened 1 to 3 min drive from here depending how busy it is.