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  1. CarbonX

    Renewable Energy Systems Forum will Poll Now

    Exactly but there's Solar, micro hydro, wind and I know a guy that rigged up a system that uses batteries, small electric motor, charge controller, car alternators to use a car stereo indoors so for all we know that can be the next renewable energy trend. He's using more then 1 alt to charge...
  2. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Well guys and Gals. I will have a surprise for all of you in the next 24 hours to 48 hours. Maybe less then 24 hours. ;)
  3. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Ok thanks. =) I might get a Canon EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III USM lens when I decide to get a different lense but I'll have to see. I might save up to get the really big lens because there was fires around here and I wanted to take really good pics but I couldn't with my old camera. Do they make...
  4. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Why were you thinking it was your birthday soon? Thanks. I deff need a better lens but my question is now what does '' mm '' meen? Thanks. No The 2 that are together can't be taken apart because they stop eating once they aren't in the same cage. The one that is on his own is a normal brown kind...
  5. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    I wish. The guy next door to me does. I'd love to do some of it though. There's another guy that has 2 small gardens where he lives it looks very healthy.
  6. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Thanks. I want to buy a pure white one that I saw at the store but its not there. There was also a black and white one there to. I took almost 100 pics today just testing it out and I was finding new little things about the digital camera that i never thought would be doable with a camera. Deff...
  7. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Hey all... Sorry McPurple but I am just put some BS onto your thread. :D Well I went out and bought the camera that I was looking at buying and a 8GB memory Card. It came to $697/ Here's a little taste of what I took with the battery that had a charge when I got it. Hey who put my...
  8. CarbonX

    Renewable Energy Systems Forum will Poll Now

    Hi all. Renewable Energy Systems have started to become more and more used source of power. I would love to see a main forum called Renewable Energy Systems. For people that want to start to power their household things with renewable energy and other things to. Getting off the grid can...
  9. CarbonX

    Posting Pic Problem Question

    Hi all. I tried to upload a pic to here but with no luck now my questions are... 1 - Is there a max pic size that can be uploaded (ie 1240x800) 2 - Is there a max pic file size ie 2MB
  10. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Sweet. Thanks. Now I have to buy a new memory card because the one for my old camera won't work with the camera that I am looking at. I might just buy the 16GB SDHC. The camera specs says it can take up to 800 pics roughly with no flash so that is awsome. My question is does it support...
  11. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Hey all. Ok First of all I did some searching online and I seem to find Cannon, Fuji and a few other brands but not much luck with sony so I decided to pick this to see what you guys think. I might be able to get a lens up to 800mm at a store near here. It will cost almost $670 with tax but I...
  12. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Sweet. well depending on the prices around here for a good 14MP camera that I want I might but a HD Video camera if I can find one around here that can do 1080p videos.
  13. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Sounds good. I'm more worried about not being able to find lenses at the stores around here easily.
  14. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    I might buy a Cannon. As for the cost of the camera I'm looking to spend around $200+. I don't live in the US so the prices here are higher here.
  15. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Sweet. I'll try to find a 14 MP one. How can I tell if the camera has the ability to change lenses? I was bored and I tried a Dragon Fruit for the first time and it's really interesting. I was doing some research and people say that its easy to grow so I thought I'd bring it up.
  16. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Hey. Thanks for your input. I was thinking about a video camera but after your $0.02 I think I might go with a 14MP camera that I can buy other lenses for it to get better pics with.
  17. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Hey all. I was trying to take pics of the setup that I am doing but my camera stopped working so I am going to be replacing it. I don't know if I want to go with a newer 14MP camera with video ability or buy a video camera that can take pics.
  18. CarbonX

    Indoor Gardeners and Gardener Questions

    Yea it they would root and take off that would be awsome because you can get a nice massive seed harvest just from 1 onion. Well I would like to grow as much of my own food as possible because its cheaper and I can get year round crops indoors.
  19. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    Well we not only grow because its nice and fun to do but also it can save us some money and I thought about bringing up making your own pure extracts because depending where you live its cheaper to make your own extract then to buy it. I also found out that there are people that have their pure...
  20. CarbonX

    2011 Veggies

    It is veryy interesting. I got into making syrups for my coffee drinks that I make a version of Starbucks coffee and some of them require vanilla extract, cinnamon and such so I figured why not make extracts instead. Most people prefer to use vodka. I chose rum since its what I have at hand atm...