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  1. W

    First Time Hydro Help

    No i know that, i meant just for a system, disregarding the grow room, nutes, lights, etc.
  2. W

    First Time Hydro Help

    Im guessing i would just take the netty pot with the roots coming out of it, and put it in an empty bucket while i clean the main?
  3. W

    First Time Hydro Help

    Basement space im gonna use about 5'x5'. Starting small. And i can watch it everyday. Most people say DWC so i figure im gonna go with that, it seems really simple. Now when i would mix in my nutrients how often would i need to replace them? Id buy a nutrient kit liek the one above, would it...
  4. W

    First Time Hydro Help

    Well winter is fast approaching and i need some help with my first hydro system. My budget is $50 give or take some, not including lights. I've waded through countless forum posts and i'll i have gotten is confused. I know a little about Bubble buckets, DWC's, and the ebb and flow bucket system...
  5. W

    Soil Help

    Ok so im renting a house and in the back seemed like some miracle grow soil in a flower box. I cant make it to any stores to get seed soil so i ended up sprouting my seeds and using that. Yes, i used backyard soil. Im not sure if that was a smart move, and if i could correct that somehow, but it...
  6. W

    How do i grow with LED's?

    Ok so i've heard a lot of hype about LED lights, and was interested. How exactly do i grow with them? is it the same 16 hr for veg, 12 hour for flowering? And what wattage do i need to use for a 4x4 room?
  7. W

    Best grow medium for hydro?

    Do you mean something like this? Every time I search for any hydrorocks Hydroton comes up. Can you post a link?
  8. W

    Best grow medium for hydro?

    So im setting up an ebb-and-flow system with buckets and mesh pots. Should i use grow rocks or coco, or a mix of clay-coco?
  9. W

    Help with setup

    I want to make a 5x5 grow room with a BGhydro Ebb and Flow system: As for nutrients is Advanced Nutrients ok for a first time indoor grower? I was looking at the hobbyist level mix. The show weed spiked my interest in them(lol) so i...
  10. W

    Ebb and Flow setup Help

    Ok so im gonna get an Ebb-and-flow system starting with seeds in rockwool cubes. Once they germinate and sprout and the roots outgrow the cubes, what do i fill the buckets with? Clay balls, or perlite, or what?
  11. W

    New Grower Needs help

    Well winter is gonna hit hard in the midwest(smack dab, no less). I was gonna get one or maybe 2, 600W MH lights with the rectangular hoods with the vent hole on the side, an inline fan, and a fan for circulation, and a heater and another fan connected to a Thermostat, which will automatically...
  12. W

    My Setup, Please Review

    I want to make a 5x5 grow room with a BGhydro Ebb and Flow system: As for nutrients is Advanced Nutrients ok for a first time indoor grower? I was looking at the hobbyist level mix seen here...
  13. W

    New Grower Needs help

    Ok, so I've watched Jorge Cervantes' dvd's, read most of the Marijuana grow bible, and I've decided to set up an indoor grow room in the attic of my house. I've decided to go with an Ebb-and-Flow system: and build a small 5x5(possibly...