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  1. Bachomp

    New grower in need of info

    Where did you get the defoliation idea to begin with? I'd look up as many journals using similar medium/lighting/nutes to get a better understanding of how all work in conjunction.
  2. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    Lay them to waste
  3. Bachomp

    Sixstring's Cob Build

  4. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    Random lady is really turning it up.Some upskirt action Good penetration:hump:
  5. Bachomp

    How many plants could I grow under 400w HPS ? (yes its been asked but this is different, read)

    What makes cannabis last longer isn't in the method of consumption. I believe that's what's being said to you. 1/4 a day. Burned, vaped, rosin' it's still a 1/4 a day.
  6. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

  7. Bachomp

    what's the best true watt led light to use for a 24x24x36 grow tent? 2 CXBs on a 2100 driver giving almost 1000 PPFD in a 2x2 setting. Overkill almost. 165watt from the wall but your running at 50% eff.
  8. Bachomp

    did some one say,some one builds led's on here

    I'm going to tell you upfront that I didn't read anything past the first few sentences. Get this post moved to the LED section under indoor growing or make a new. Not so much a wall of text post there and I'm sure people will give you all the information you're looking for!:bigjoint:
  9. Bachomp

    did some one say,some one builds led's on here

    For £800 you could buy almost any LED made by a forum member.
  10. Bachomp

    I'M A NEWB.

    I'M A NEWB.
  11. Bachomp

    did some one say,some one builds led's on here

    Heavenbright, PLC, Tasty, Johnson, northern grow lights, im sure I missed a few. All members here who have businesses making lights. Quite the variety within them as well.
  12. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    10-14 more days I might just pull the Skywalker and mom her out. We'll see!
  13. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    Clones are surviving!random girl got staked up and I rearranged the fan leaves on the Skywalker kush. BONUS
  14. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    Im going to introduce some 730 into my flowering tent eventually but haven't researched the other mono's very much. And from what I have read the UV-b stuff is pretty debatable. I get excited about new tech, but I'm all about that practical application of it.
  15. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    After taking a quick look I feel like you could accomplish a lot more on your own than what they're asking for it.
  16. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    I also wouldn't move the light, they don't seem to be showing any signs of light related issues. Get out of ya head Ed!
  17. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    If it's just on new stuff I wouldn't sweat the color too much. Just keep it light, feeding watering whatever. I've got some cuttings that are in coco just with RO. Once they take root in a few days I'll start feeding them 50% my formula. Going to 100% within 3 days depending on response.
  18. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    Kush clones and bubbas gift seedling