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  1. Bachomp

    3' x 2' x 5' tent 180 actual watt LED

    Are you purchasing the light yourself? Because there's a few members on here that sell higher quality lights for that price.
  2. Bachomp

    For sure man. Depending on size you could slap them on some CPU coolers and make a housing for...

    For sure man. Depending on size you could slap them on some CPU coolers and make a housing for the COBs and driver.
  3. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    Little group shot and shameless bump!
  4. Bachomp

    Not at all as long as you can trust the product! It's hard to say when buying these unbranded...

    Not at all as long as you can trust the product! It's hard to say when buying these unbranded products if you're getting what's being advertised. Be that as it may I'm never above dropping a little cash on something cheap to see what you can get out of it!
  5. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    You could try to mainline them or still scrog with all 3 in a shorter veg. Scrog one as originally planned and experiment on the other two. Endless possibilities! EDIT Here's my unknown strain mainline as of today.And my Skywalker kush idk what I'm even doing with it.Ignore the color I had a...
  6. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    Cut down the rim of the cup if you have to, no point in moving the plant that young.
  7. Bachomp

    Cutter Electronics: Complete DIY COB kits

    I just want to get one of these to put together ha-ha!
  8. Bachomp

    Likelihood of getting seeds seized shipping to New England? Based in Michigan. Got mine within a week. Still haven't had any police show up.
  9. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    After some interesting events I had to relocate my entire grow. Transplanted the Skywalker into a 5g she's a little droopy but should bounce back fine.Random girl is doing great! Comments. Suggestions, concerns more than welcome! :blsmoke:
  10. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    Good job bud, keep it up!
  11. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    I actually FIMed the Skywalker a few days ago forgot to mention that :cool:
  12. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    Yeah I've been thinking about this. The Skywalker is currently folded pretty far over to try and compensate. its also in a smaller pot so some of that stem is going to get buried when I transplant. Might even move it out and clone it up while I flower the other.
  13. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    200~ at 1400ma 125 at 1050 for veg.
  14. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    Much love dude! Really appreciated as I'm a total noob :blsmoke:
  15. Bachomp

    4 COB DIY Build

    Skywalker kush growing up.And random lady #1 finished the manifold.
  16. Bachomp

    Step by step in Canna coco ??

    This might put you in the right direction, good luck!
  17. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    They should be fine then. Remember, patience!
  18. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    Put some plastic wrap over top of the cups with a few air holes and secure it with a rubber band. This will create added humidity in the cup. Assuming you pre soaked the medium in the cup.
  19. Bachomp

    Steady's 220wat LED Grow (first grow)

    Told ya! Good luck getting everything popping, take your time and enjoy!