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  1. Speciosa

    Seed question [?]

    As the previous poster said you arent guaranteed a female plant just because the seed is grown for medicinal purposes. It is still after all, just like every other seed on this planet ;)
  2. Speciosa

    1000 watt mh and seedlings

    I was wondering how you all felt about putting 1 week old seedlings 3-3.5 feet away from a 1000 watt mh light. The temperature is running 74 degrees Fahrenheit during the hottest period of the day and wont drop under 72 throughout the night. The seedlings are currently 2 inches to 3 inches tall...
  3. Speciosa

    3 minute animation about the war on pot - AMAZING!!

    I actually thought that video was surprisingly well made. The first minute i was skeptical, but it ended up working out in the end. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Speciosa

    Westganja's Organic Grow

    Very impressive man. Im surprised no one has left a comment yet. Some beautiful plants. We have a similar taste in strain preferences :) Much Love -Speciosa
  5. Speciosa

    Soil Recipe

    Its always helpful to see other peoples soil recipes that work for them and compare the differences in content. Ive been reading up the last few hours and it seems like i might not want to use Roots Organic for seedlings. Im thinking of using biobizz or promix for seedlings then transplanting...
  6. Speciosa

    Soil Recipe

    Thank you for bringing that to my attention 2Lay. Im thinking about adding one additional gallon of soil to the mix and then add 1/8 of the amendments to the soil in order to make up for the additional soil. Revs recipe calls for 2 gallons soil, 2 gallon perlite, 2 gallon coir and 2 gallons...
  7. Speciosa

    Soil Recipe

    I just attempted to make some soil based on Revs soil guide as closely as i could. I wasnt able to obtain all of the ingredients, but i do have quiet a few. My only concern is that i may be missing a few vital sources of nutrients by missing a few amendments. Heres the soil recipe i put...