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  1. T

    Looking to get rid of my growbox - Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto area

    Feel free to drop me a line if you have some interest in taking this guy off my hands. The rollitup community certainly helped me come up with the design, and provided invaluable assistance along the way. I live in Ottawa, but i'd be willing to bring it to Montreal. Here is my ad. I'm also...
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    Is it legal to sell growbox (canada)

    Hey peeps. Time has come for me to get rid of my grow box. Got any tips on how? It was just a one plant operation, so i dont think it would raise any flags but i want to be sure. Can i make a craigslist ad or aomething? Thanks!
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    Hash butter - To make or not to make

    Hey folks, I've got two bags of leaves. About 20-30 grams of fan leaves that died during week 6 (12-13 week sativa) and about 20-30 grams of small fan leaves i picked when i harvested. I'd like to make some butter, but i'm not sure if i should mix the two bags. What do you guys thing?
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    Harvest time? - Have I flushed enough?

    Friends, Here is my question. Trichs look good to go. I'm not sure if i've flushed long enough. I know they say 2-3 weeks, but I only officially flushed a week ago Jan 4 - I watered without nutes - I only used 2.5 Litres. There was still plenty of nutes in the soiless mix (approx 200 ppm in...
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    Is she Ready? - What do you guys think?

    Yeah she is one ugly girl.I bought a ph meter a little too late in the game...First grow, with plenty of pains along the way. Apparently strawberry haze is bitchy. Another poster was telling me he had similar frustrations. She was burning from organics with around 400 ppc in the water...
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    Is she Ready? - What do you guys think?

    I took a look at the trichs and they look between clear and milky. Didnt notice any amber ones. What are the chances they will go amber in the next week?
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    Is she Ready? - What do you guys think?

    Sorry for the photos guys-it's the iphone... She is a ten week sativa strain. Had a lot of trouble with her: Strawberry Haze. I decided to keep her going an extra 3 weeks to make up for the stress. I'm growing with CFLs. Not too sure how much more the buds will swell. I'm on week 12.
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    Does she look done? Strawberry Haze - Week 9

    Thanks for all the advice. It's been a fun ride. I'm not going to deny that I should have been lighter on the nutes. I guess all I could really say in my defense is a lot of the nasty looking leaves were from a few weeks back when I had a lock up and a bad p and k deficiency. Recently most new...
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    Does she look done? Strawberry Haze - Week 9

    I'll set the bar low, i guess. Most reviews were quite good, though. What were you expecting?
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    Does she look done? Strawberry Haze - Week 9

    What suggests this?
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    Hydro organic - worth it for indoor grows under 90 days?

    When I read the short section on using hydro organic solution (i.e. pure blend, fox farm etc) in Jorge Cervantez's Marijuana Grow Bible, he suggested to not even bother trying to grow with organics unless the grow is longer than 90 days. He suggested that it's not long enough to reap the...
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    Does she look done? Strawberry Haze - Week 9

    What do you guys think? I'm debating beginning my 10-14 day flush tomorrow morning. The white hairs in the second pic are making me consider another week, but main bud looks ripe. Under the scope i'm seeing mixed info. This is my first harvest so i'm not really even 100% sure what i'm...
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    Canada's Bill C-26. God help us all.

    Suprised this thread didn't receive much traffic. So quite a bit has happened since this post. This law bill would eventually be amended quite drastically. Still not a whole lot of progress under the conservatives. Would have been nice if Cali passed their proposition last month.
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    After plant stress - do I need to add weeks to flowering?

    Hey everyone, Do you know if 23x is enough? i took a look but i couldnt really see the dif between clear and milky.... thoughts?
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    After plant stress - do I need to add weeks to flowering?

    I may have to just bite the bullet. Do you guys think these cheap 30 x microscopes will do the trick, or do i have to splurge on a decent piece of equipment?
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    After plant stress - do I need to add weeks to flowering?

    Hey everyone, I'm comming close to the end of my grow, and i'm preparing to harvest. Around week 4-6 of flowering she went through a lot of stress and bud production slowed quite a bit. Greenhouse recommends harvesting at 9.5 weeks (Strawberry Haze). Considering there was some slow bud...
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    Organic grow going wrong - Help!!!

    I thought I'd send an update. It was a rough 2-3+ weeks. Things are looking up, however! I'm pretty sure the issue was a combination of nute burn, flushing with high ph, and ultimately nutrient loss. She lost a lot of leaves and I can only assume bud development slowed quite a bit...
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    Organic grow going wrong - Help!!!

    I thought I'd send an update. It was a rough 2-3+ weeks. Things are looking up, however! I'm pretty sure the issue was a combination of nute burn, flushing with high ph, and ultimately nutrient loss. She lost a lot of leaves and I can only assume bud development slowed quite a bit. However...
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    Ultimate Plant Problem Guide

    Wow - really good post. Looks like i'm going to get myself a digital PH and ppm meter.