After plant stress - do I need to add weeks to flowering?


Hey everyone,

I'm comming close to the end of my grow, and i'm preparing to harvest. Around week 4-6 of flowering she went through a lot of stress and bud production slowed quite a bit.

Greenhouse recommends harvesting at 9.5 weeks (Strawberry Haze). Considering there was some slow bud production, should i postpone my harvest or not?


Well-Known Member
the breeder only gives u an estimate, estimates arent always right. theres no point in harvesting till your buds are ripe bro.


Well-Known Member
Agreed eviromental factors delay maturity of cannabis . I am experiancing this now .I just entered week 9 and still cloudy clear trichromes waiting on some amber . I think cooler temps have delayed my harvest a bit . Just be patient and reap the rewards . You will be surprised at the weight they can pack on late into flowering , I am .Good luck !


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,

I'm comming close to the end of my grow, and i'm preparing to harvest. Around week 4-6 of flowering she went through a lot of stress and bud production slowed quite a bit.

Greenhouse recommends harvesting at 9.5 weeks (Strawberry Haze). Considering there was some slow bud production, should i postpone my harvest or not?
The only way to be sure of maturity is to check the trichromes.


Well-Known Member
I may have to just bite the bullet. Do you guys think these cheap 30 x microscopes will do the trick, or do i have to splurge on a decent piece of equipment?
Or you could buy this 30X jewelers loupe for less than $3.00. If you do a little searching you can find one with free shipping possibly. I have 2 of them and they work nice.


Hey everyone, Do you know if 23x is enough? i took a look but i couldnt really see the dif between clear and milky....
