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  1. grasscropper

    Led light from eBay

    Excellent thanks for that info. Also might be another area to experiment in. I cannot stand giving $ to the fucking hydro companies. This and taxes just piss me off to no end. If I can rip off the government I will at every turn as I feel they suck me dry to the point of barely being able to...
  2. grasscropper

    Led light from eBay

    Now another question I have is I see the LED lights that are like screw in flood lights. Would those work as well?
  3. grasscropper

    White mold on leaves

    Yup, discovered that my fan wasn't running either because it was hooked in to the timers. So that could have been an issue in my case as well. Not enough circulation. Bought and used Serenade. All is looking good and I have about 2 weeks to go until harvest.
  4. grasscropper

    Led light from eBay

    Well I won the bid with free shipping. My Bro is going to buy it for me for xmas if I choose. I will add t5's or cfls. I am growing 3 plants in a 4 x 4 tent with only cfls.... this LED should cut down on power usage as well I would think and hopefully fatten up the buds. I will advise as to...
  5. grasscropper

    Led light from eBay

    Any thoughts on this light and how it will do in a tent 4x4. Cost is $150. It's 240 watts. I can add T5 for side lighting or additional. top lighting. Also wanted to question if T5 HO were better to use for flowering than CFL's I am currently using 10 plus CFL's 150 watt bulbs...
  6. grasscropper

    Main stem snapped in half, Not possible to reattach.. help!

    The bottom portion will be fine... you could have put the top in some water and it probably would have come back from the "noodlely" state and then tried to graft or tape it.
  7. grasscropper

    100watt L.E.D. Stealth Grow Box. Criticism wanted please

    1/4'b from 2 plants in that small area is good. So with a scrog.. do you put the screen up and then the flowers will come up through the screen?
  8. grasscropper

    White mold on leaves

    That's just it. They are in there tight. One of the ladies was in veg too long for the size of my flowering tent. Should have kept her as my mother and just kept taking clippings from her or flowered her alone. But we get greedy!! Humidity was 29% and temp 77 tonight. Windy In there with the...
  9. grasscropper

    White mold on leaves

    I opened up the tent tonight. Humidity is 34% when the lights came on. Last night say 3 hours in it wasn't much higher than that. It's cold here and dry cold. Running lights at night and during I have a dehu running in the basement. Hasn't been emptied since the change of weather. Sprayed them...
  10. grasscropper

    White mold on leaves

    Here's a couple of photos of my issue. 3 plus weeks into flower.
  11. grasscropper

    Cloning Question

    Yeah thats what I a m doing. Now I have cloned into flower but not too far in and then it stays in veg for a while. Currently I have too many damn plants. And yet don't want to part with them!! Need to slow down
  12. grasscropper

    White mold on leaves

    Your pic doesn't look too bad tho. PM looks like there's a film of dirt or dust on the leaves and they need a wiping down.
  13. grasscropper

    Cloning Question

    Thanks guys... I would really like to buy some seeds. I just want to experience how a different strain looks and grows. I have been using this Kush strain and would like to offer up some different smoke you know. I am just using Cfls at the moment and am also considering upgrading to a 600w hps...
  14. grasscropper

    Cloning Question

    Didn't things so. A clone is an exact replica. So everything should continue has it was and will be. Have to say mine all look good so just thought .... Do I purchase seeds to get some new strains or continue as is.
  15. grasscropper

    White mold on leaves

    I have a fan going I and exhausting out. Plus a regular fan in the tent. I will post pics in a day or so.
  16. grasscropper

    White mold on leaves

    My room is exhausted. And has a fan. Dehumidifier outside the tent. No room inside and I have always run it down there. Maybe a better fan but still have to take care of the plants now.
  17. grasscropper

    White mold on leaves

    I too am having an issue with this. My set up is in the basement. I keep the house cool at night. So I figured this May have been the issue as I was watering when lights were due to turn off. This grow I have flipped my light cycle and lights are on all night, off all day. Now watering time is...
  18. grasscropper

    Cloning Question

    Just wanted to know if it's ok to keep taking clones from clones and so on. Does this weaken the strain as it is continued. This is what I have been doing. Now I have not noticed any issues thus far but just wanted opinions from people who maybe breed or know more about this area. Thanks.
  19. grasscropper

    Mutant Clones

    Just sayin'. And I am a bra not a bro. But the clone I refer to looks good. No issues. Let her grow out and all is normal.
  20. grasscropper

    Mutant Clones

    And nobody can offer any comment. Wtf!?