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  1. DevChronics

    Appollo/Thunder/iPower exp

    Thanks all for the great info. Sad Noone has used thunder so looks like I'll be going with Apollo since everyone has had such good success
  2. DevChronics

    Appollo/Thunder/iPower exp

    Wow that would be really cool. Yeah I had looked at Apollo a lot but some of there reviews had me worried.
  3. DevChronics

    Appollo/Thunder/iPower exp

    Yeah if I go with thunder I'll let you know
  4. DevChronics

    Appollo/Thunder/iPower exp Yeah this is the 1 I'm considering atm. From looking around its glitter few good reviews on other grow forums. And it's a pretty nice hood that comes along with it
  5. DevChronics

    Where to

    What size lights are you using? How many? Exactly how cold is cold? Ideally you'll want to vent all air out of the area to the outside. Since you might just heat the outer area so much that the inside never cools off.
  6. DevChronics

    Appollo/Thunder/iPower exp

    Cool ty. I'm glad to hear some good things some of the reviews tend to be all over the place but not many with long term use.
  7. DevChronics

    Appollo/Thunder/iPower exp

    I been looking at the 3 different brands for a while now and I want to see what anyone that might have experience with any of these brands. I'm leaning toward thunder atm. And yes I know I should get something better but I be poor still. My end goal would be to run quantum
  8. DevChronics

    Is this legit?

    Lol that is true. Only review I could find was about a guy using a mh to light his spa
  9. DevChronics

    Is this legit?

    Hey ty in looked in to the Apollo systems a few times. Some of the reviews are a bit bad. Any one of you have any experience with there equipment
  10. DevChronics

    Is this legit?

    I ment more the ballast not the site
  11. DevChronics

    Is this legit?

    I was looking up some ballast and ran across these the prices seem to be to good to be true. I know there magnetic. Non switchable. But do these seem real or good for there price. And the prices on amazon are similar but i can't find any reviews on them...
  12. DevChronics

    mercury vapor

    Yeah I'm using 6 t8 and 1 150w hps for my flowering
  13. DevChronics

    mercury vapor

    A buddie gave me a MV light. I looked around and everyone says there trash lights for growing. I'm a bit tight on cash right now and I need some better lights. Has anyone used a MV light with success? Is there any validity to people saying florescent t8 are better. And the MV will turn my tent...
  14. DevChronics

    what is this problem w/pics

    Ty guys. Not sure we're I started thinking coco needed higher pH guess that's why there been bit more issues
  15. DevChronics

    what is this problem w/pics

    Well there has been a bit higher Temps as I put an extrea hps in. Haven't seen any bugs. Or heat stress the hps has only been in for 24 hours. Far as the water just tap water that gets phed And dechlorinated nothing new there and normaly the water is phed to 6.7 / 6.6
  16. DevChronics

    what is this problem w/pics

    60 veg. 26 days flower PH 6.0 to 6.7 Coco coir Indoor Using go box Watering every 2 to 3 days soaking all soil This new problem just showed up. The leaf seems to be brittle on the infected areas with a almost white and dark brown areas
  17. DevChronics

    Indoor Snow White

    Day 82. 22 days in to flowering. 2nd set just moved 6th as in to veg
  18. DevChronics

    Indoor Snow White

    Day 73 13 days in to flower both showing signs of flowering. Under 6 32w t8
  19. DevChronics

    Indoor Snow White

    Now on day 68. I'm now 8 days in to flower.
  20. DevChronics

    Indoor Snow White

    Day 55