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  1. Smoker4life420

    Giant bud

  2. Smoker4life420

    Giant bud

  3. Smoker4life420

    Buckle up bitches

    it was just a funny post.. I think you took this a little to seriously.
  4. Smoker4life420

    Buckle up bitches

    In time wisdom comes.. And the shit you will go though...
  5. Smoker4life420

    How often do we wish this

    Lol what kind of site is this??? Man you aint right in the head. I mean that in a nice way...:)
  6. Smoker4life420

    How often do we wish this

    Well you always got to be in your feeling.. Lol ilu
  7. Smoker4life420

    How often do we wish this

    Legend huh. Damn your going to blow me out of the room with his head... Don't pump him up.. I got to live with him... Lol. He can talks some shit. But a fun person to always to be around. My best friend... Smartass hole though.? Just saying again
  8. Smoker4life420

    How often do we wish this

    You guys lost me on all that..
  9. Smoker4life420

    How often do we wish this

    Not sure of everything tillman has done on here... I'm just chilling and smoking after work and reading up with you guys.. I can assure you me and tillman are 2 differ people... Not that it matters if you believe me it not... Just saying
  10. Smoker4life420

    How often do we wish this

    Man you go hard core... Lol
  11. Smoker4life420

    How often do we wish this

    Smh. what does that even mean?? I know I'm new and all but damn your calling me Millman. Do you need proof of something?? Do you tutor??? Lol
  12. Smoker4life420

    Fire in the hole !!!!

    Fire in the hole !!!!
  13. Smoker4life420

    How often do we wish this

    Can't count how many times I would like to meet up with the brave asswhole on the keyboard... Lol
  14. Smoker4life420

    TGIF. Party time. Tillman your with me. Let go on an adventure.. Where you want to go...

    TGIF. Party time. Tillman your with me. Let go on an adventure.. Where you want to go? @[870026:@Downtowntillman]
  15. Smoker4life420

    Thngs that make you say. WTF

    I thought for a second you was someone I didn't know did stuff like that.
  16. Smoker4life420

    Hello I'm new.

    Lol. Oh shit. That many huh
  17. Smoker4life420

    Hello I'm new.

    When did he show you his penis? Are you sure , it's his you seen. Because I'm could answer different on that one.. Tillman quit showing your dick pick that's not yours... Lol
  18. Smoker4life420

    Thngs that make you say. WTF

    Say what???
  19. Smoker4life420

    Tickle my donut!!!

    Uh Tillman is 7. Still You're the kind of guy i like to do the kinky things like hang you by your toe's.. Put Ketchup on you. Let you puff your meff and get the trip of your life..