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  1. greenery

    cutting branches over a period of time

    awesome thanks! Yeah some are waaaay ahead of others!
  2. greenery

    cutting branches over a period of time

    Hey Is it ok to cut branches/buds off the plant as they are ready or are you to wait until the whole plant has brown stigmas then do it all at once?
  3. greenery

    Just a thought about potting

    yup! it worked!
  4. greenery

    Just a thought about potting

    Just wondering, Would it be a good idea (using soil as a medium) to put some holes around the lower sides of the pot with the plant in it and stick it on a tray with water in it? :weed: Im hoping maybe that air would get in through the holes and the roots would follow the air out of the...
  5. greenery

    getting seeds from a plant

    what do you mean by pollunated?
  6. greenery

    getting seeds from a plant

    Hey harvest time is almost about and I have 2 plants of different types. One has almost absolutely no trichromes and the other has heapsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Am I able to keep the bottom buds on the plant to let them seed out while I pick all the top ones off or am I killing...
  7. greenery

    Question about reflection.

    oh haha massive down here means really cool chick sorry haha
  8. greenery

    Control mites

    Yeah this idea the missus came up with is for those who already have mite infesations and are in the late stages of flowering. (where spraying the plants might not be a good idea) It might help control the mites, hmm gotta find me some neem oil.
  9. greenery

    Question about reflection.

    haha yeah thats so true this paint sales rep is a massive stoner chick who drives a dumped out skyline and cares more about wearing the shortest netball skirt at her games than her job! flat white it is!
  10. greenery

    Control mites

    haha yeah I rekon mites are natures lil stoners. Yeah the idea is more for indoor growing when you already have mites and its to close to harvest to spray them.
  11. greenery

    Question about reflection.

    Hey I have a mate who is a paint sales rep. She was saying that flat white paint isnt as reflective as reflective gloss paint. She want on about levels of gloss paint and how they would be most effective bla bla bla. She said that flat white paint is just matte paint? Is the flat white paint...
  12. greenery

    Question about lighting!

    Hey I have a mate who is a paint sales rep. She was saying that flat white paint isnt as reflective as reflective gloss paint. She want on about levels of gloss paint and how they would be most effective bla bla bla. She said that flat white paint is just matte paint? Is the flat white...
  13. greenery

    Control mites

    Hey, The missis came up with an idea about controlling mights when spraying the fuck out of them may not be a option..... 1. To help control mights, she came up with the idea of getting a fresh plant the mites would like and put it in the grow room with the chronic plants. 2. Leave it...
  14. greenery


    awesome thanks for that! Also, does anyone know why some strands of plant dont have there hairs go brown? I know of someone who when the trichromes were amber, the hairs were fluffy white and even when he left the bottom portion colas to seed, they stayed white!?
  15. greenery


    Hey Do trichromes go through colour stages or do they go from see thru to amber? Just been checking using a microscope and wondering if there is a process to it. cheers
  16. greenery


    awsum thanks for the help and yeah its not the leaves from the cola. wow I didnt know more leaves means healthier buds! I have one type of plant that doesnt leaf much at all but has massive buds the whole way down and the other one has heapppps of leaves and smaller but more potent looking...
  17. greenery


    ohforreal theyresposed to die?!
  18. greenery


    Hey :joint: Can anyone help me! the leaves on my plants are all turning yellow and theyre at the budding stage (almost finished!) should I just let them go (as the buds dont seem to be affected) or try something?