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  1. S

    how am i doing after 1 week 3 days :)

    few single roots are coming out the drainage holes , what should i do ? , its only been a week and a but rememeber
  2. S

    how am i doing after 1 week 3 days :)

    maybe spilt water on the leaves, not sure, it will recover tho, it has improved over the last day or two...question, will i need more than 1 cfl 125w light when i start flowering?, im thinking of getting 1 more cfl 125w
  3. S

    how am i doing after 1 week 3 days :)

    hey, this is my first ever grow, using 1 cfl 125w lamp , growing 2 plants , one has brown around few leaves and one in my view is doing very well, tell me what u think as u probably clearly know much more than me, watering every 3 days or when the soil is dry 2 inches down , and another question...
  4. S

    are these sativa or indica?? (pics)

    just wanted to know, they are 1 week 2 days old, wanted to know if there indica or sativa thanks and how much by like 60/40 etc pics below
  5. S


    no i have had that aswell, i just went to the post office and picked it up, how are u suppose to know what the package is ......? u could just pretend u have no idea what it is, i just went there signed for it and took mine, no problem , if it was being seized they would sent you the parcel with...
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    how are my plants doing for 1 week 2 days (pics)

    when do i start adding nutrients into the water? and where can i get it from (from uk) thanks :)
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    how are my plants doing for 1 week 2 days (pics)

    yeah there really starting to grow quicker the last couple days ive noticed :) really looking forward to em :)
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    how are my plants doing for 1 week 2 days (pics)

    as i said they are in a box but i just put them on the side to take a picture
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    how are my plants doing for 1 week 2 days (pics)

    yeah there white widow seeds i bought off the net.... indica hmm should be nice den :) and they are in a box i just put them on the desk to take a picture lol, are they growing slow for 1 week 2 days ?
  10. S

    how are my plants doing for 1 week 2 days (pics)

    just wondering how u think my plants are doing atm , there both 1 week 2 days old 2 plants , both seedlings i am a first time grower using 125w cfl light (2 inches away) have been watering every 3 days or when the soil drys out quite a bit pics are below Pictures arnt that good of...