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  1. GDPKronicKing

    PPM Outdoor soil grow Questions

    Alright thanks again, My meter was off by 1 whole point. So it was really 6.0 not 5.0, I always adjusted my ph based on how my plants were looking it never even occurred to me to calibrate my meter..bongsmilie.. Well all is good now with the last feeding at 6.4. I'll post a pic soon of them
  2. GDPKronicKing

    PPM Outdoor soil grow Questions

    WOW! My lazy ass hasn't done it in about 3 years, and I have the solution to do it!! Thanks for the chart thats helpful, i'll calibrate it tonight before feeding make sure I am in the 6.5 range. Damn, I wonder why the plants haven't suffered... I'll keep you posted..:wall:
  3. GDPKronicKing

    PPM Outdoor soil grow Questions

    Some strains act differently to the PH but I have found 5.5 works best for the girls. I will give them all the way down to 5 just to avoid having to adjust it and cause a high ppm count. Man I wish I could achieve your results organically. I like botanicare because its not to strong of a...
  4. GDPKronicKing

    PPM Outdoor soil grow Questions

    What up fellow growers, so I have been growing outdoor for years in the Northern California area and have my own setup of nutes, ph, and ppm I use every year (as I am sure most of you do too) and I am curious to what some of you guys use. Not so much concerned with the type of Nutes used, just...
  5. GDPKronicKing

    Ready or not.

    What weedy said... Buy the microscope from local grow shop they are cheap. Start looking at the trichomes now so you can see what they look like when they are clear. They look like little pistils with a clear bubble on top. Once they are getting ready to harvest you will see that bubble start to...
  6. GDPKronicKing

    Possible males?

    Man hard to tell... The second pic looks like it might be but i'd give it another day or 2 to see for sure. Were they started from seed, they look really healthy?
  7. GDPKronicKing

    Opinons on Afgoo & XJ-13

    What up everybody, I am growing 2 new strains this year outdoor from clone and don't know anyone personally who has grown them before so I figured I would ask around here? I have never smoked Afgoo and only smoked XJ a handful of times so any input in that area would be appreciated as well...
  8. GDPKronicKing

    Outdoor Scrog Grow Questions

    Can't go wrong with it! I love XJ!
  9. GDPKronicKing

    Liquid Cookies Glycerin Tincture

    Correct me if I am wrong, But since it is Glycerin can't I just add a decent amount to anything regardless if it is called for in a recipe or not? Since it is not butter or oil I just assume its not going to do much to the consistency of the final product... Thanks again.
  10. GDPKronicKing

    Liquid Cookies Glycerin Tincture

    Thanks Fumble I'll have to try some hard candy I've heard they turn out great! Anyone out there have any other suggestions?? I've used it in drinks and little things like that but I have so much of it I would like to do up a potent batch of something Delicious! Thanks guys!
  11. GDPKronicKing

    Outdoor Scrog Grow Questions

    Great advice. The trainwreck and headband I have are looking like some stretchers so I am sure they will be good to Scrog. The XJ-13 and Afgoo might barely touch the screen... Hahahaha! :weed: Grow on!
  12. GDPKronicKing

    Outdoor Scrog Grow Questions

    Thanks for all the advice! I grew all GSC last year but this year I am going: Trainwreck, Headband, XJ-13, and Afgoo. Wanted a variety of Sativa and Indica, its gonna be difficult to maintain a canopy but i'll do my best with it. Cant wait, I love the farming season in CA!!
  13. GDPKronicKing

    Outdoor Scrog Grow Questions

    Here is a pic of last years crop, this is late July right before flowering began to set in. This is why I want to Scrog because a couple got to 7ft tall in the back and were falling over. Its a small area but hey, you gotta work with what you got. The quantity and quality are great!!
  14. GDPKronicKing

    Outdoor Scrog Grow Questions

    Wow! Very impressive, I was going to go with a 5x5 also. After seeing these I need to go Much bigger. And I noticed you went with the larger squares in the netting, I was going to go with something smaller is it personal preference or should I get the larger ones? last question, at what week did...
  15. GDPKronicKing

    Outdoor Scrog Grow Questions

    Great thats what I wanted to do! I will wait until they get close to the screen then start topping them and weaving them in and out. Thanks!
  16. GDPKronicKing

    Outdoor Scrog Grow Questions

    Whats up everybody, hey so I have never used the scrog grow setup before but I am doing it this year mainly just to contain my plants in one area during flowering. Last couple years they got too big to contain to my garden, I have 4 plants in the ground and 4 different strains (I know, I know...
  17. GDPKronicKing

    Liquid Cookies Glycerin Tincture

    Hey Guys, So I made about a 1/2 gallon of GSC VG based tincture using the cold extraction method. It is potent! I used 3 different jars, one had 2 ounces of pure buds ground up with 8g of kief added, other jar had 4 ounces of small buds and high grade trim, and last jar was 1 ounce sour diesel...
  18. GDPKronicKing

    Coco Grow

    Hey Everybody, I am doing my first grow in Coco got all supplies today and clones a few days ago all will be set up by Thursday. Indoors, 24 Green Crack Clones (The rare 75% Indica strain I picked up from harborside :joint:) 6x8 Area with 4 600W HPS hoods (All Vented) with digital ballasts, RO...